Chapter Six- End

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✨Time skip✨

Nishinoya and I have been together for a year now, and to be honest, I've never been happier. Its almost uncanny how perfect everything is right now.

He's good with my siblings, my parents like him, hell he even gets along with my neighbors. And lets be honest, he's hella good with me ;). Although everything is going amazing I do have to admit, I was slightly scared for graduation. But thank god i'm going to college near our prefecture. Oh! And I rejoined the volleyball team! Before I graduated of course! 

The first years were  quite spunky, the team changed vastly. They are all much stronger, and I am so proud of them! It feels like I'm apart of a second family, but I have to watch my back, I saw Suga trying to buy a Jesus costume for the reunion.. Noya wouldn't let him do that to me.. Right? Lets hope so for my sake.

We've been doing this double date thing with Suga and Daichi, and I can confirm, they can easily go from sex crazy loving newlyweds, to seventy year old married folk in an instant. I honestly missed them so much, its crazy almost! 


"Asahi!! We are gonna be late!" Nishinoya storms into my room, "Oh damn, are you a bottle of rather expensive wine? Because you are fine" Nishinoya says with a wink, I chuckle at his remarks. Since no matter how long we have been together, he still gives me pickup lines, but I understand his rush. We need to get to another double date. 

Well, he thinks it is. "How do I look?" He asks me, "As stunning as per always darling." I reply, watching him blush. He hides his face in his hands, I finish tying my hair back. "Why don't you head to the car? I'm nearly done." I say with a smile. He grunts and leaves the house. I unlocked the car for him so he does't get locked out.

 But before I head out I quickly grab a small box and tuck it in my pocket. Its almost insane how we have been together for so long. I quickly put on my shoes, and hop into the car. "I am so excited for this double date! We are going to the BEST restaurant in the world!" He says as I chuckle, we are only going to a pizza shop. But apparently his favorite food judger person said it was like eating heaven.

Sounds morbid, but okay. I place a hand on Nishinoya's thigh, which I love doing since it makes him blush and grab my hand. I feel the nerves hitting me, fluttery butterflies controlled my stomach. A million thoughts rushed throughout my head, he seemed pretty focused on something himself, but we were only two miles away from the restaurant.

I try to clear my mind, as I have to act as normal as possible. If he suspects something he absolutely won't trust me with anything at all. With each one hundred feet I get even more nervous, what is he's not ready? What if- "Babe!" He says, I look over at him surprised because I completely disappeared for a minute. "Are you alright?" He asks, "Yeah, I was just thinking." I say with a smile.

"Mmkay, if you need anything you can always tell me baby." He says with a bright smile, whenever I am nervous he always calms me down. Soulmate material I guess. "I know darling, I love you." I find a parking space and remove my hand from his thigh. I've almost never been more nervous. I'm a little shaky, but the gods did me a favor, he didn't notice. 

We walk in to the restaurant, he was already super excited. "Table for two? Azumane." I say so he can't hear, he still thinks we are eating with Suga and Daichi. "Is that the one on the balcony sir?"  The hostess asks me, I nod and she grabs two menus. Me and Noya follow her up the stairs, and already he was confused. "Asahi, I thought Suga was afraid of heights?" I ignore his comment, feeling bad whilst doing so. 

We are seated at our table, and I can already tell he's very confused. Its a table for two, technically for a group of four. I see Daichi wave from the other part of the balcony, he's standing next to Kiyoko and Tanaka, who are holding cameras. "Asahi?" Nishinoya says startling me. I look over at him while he has a very stern look on his face, "What's happening." 

He looks pretty impatient, "Oh! Suga and Daichi canceled, but it took forever to get a reservation, so they suggested we go anyways." Feels bad lying to my boyfriend, but I have to for the secret. 


Its around seven pm at this point, we've eaten, talked, and of course he talked nonstop about how it did taste like eating an angel. I signal Suga and Daichi, who both quickly whip out a camera. "Hey Nishinoya?" I say catching his attention, I sounded way too serious for comfort, but what's done is done. "Yeah babe?" He replies, I can feel my heart pulsing strong, the butterflies regaining their power.. 

I notice how the sun perfectly hit his face as it set, and I remembered. I remembered exactly why I stayed through every hard night, both good and bad.. Why I fell in love with this perfect person, to me he's like somebody out of a perfect romance novel. Before I had met him, I remember hating the idea of a relationship, a gross perfect marriage, house with a picket white fence, you understand. But now that I see the person in front of me, I regain trust in love. 

The person in front of me was destined to find me. I never believed in soulmates, but now, honestly I do. "Yuu, I. For the past two years, you've made me have trust, you've made me experience something I had once ridiculed. But now I understand I was just being silly." 

I take a sip of my drink before continuing, "And, I'd be damned if I were to ever let you go. I was given a chance, to have met you and I think about all the possible ways I could of avoided meeting you, and each makes my heart wrench. I have never really prayed for a relationship, but the second I laid my eyes on you, I felt like I had been asking and begging for ages. I don't know how to even fathom of how I managed to meet such a perfect person."

"I crave your attention, your love, your eyes. I love the relationship we built, the friends we've made, the places we've gone.." I start to stand up, pulling him up with me. "What's happening babe?" He asks. I think to myself, its actually gonna happen.. 

"So there's a reason, I've said all that. And honestly, I'd be a wreck without you. So, Nishinoya Yuu." I say as I pull out a tiny box from my pocket. "Two whole years, and yet I'm not ready for this story to end. If anything, I want us to move onto the next chapter.. Will you marry me?" I say, he looks at me with wide eyes before screaming..

"YES!!" He says jumping into my arms. I hold him up for a minute, carefully kissing him. I take his hand and slide the engagement ring onto his finger. The restaurant cheers and claps, but right now all I can focus on is the man in front of me.

I love this feeling.. what's it called? Oh right, something called love. ❤️

FINISHED!! Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it!! Love Rory-San ❤️

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