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I moved my hand to his neck. "My Poot baby" i said and kissed his forehead. He sat up in the bed. "How did this happen? Do you know?" I asked. "It was either from the dream because u got really scared, or because I gave you my jacket earlier today and it was really cold and chilly" he said with a drowsy voice. "Ok well I need to take care of you bebs" I told him and he closed his eyes. "B-but!" "No buts. You literally feel like hot. Hot hot." I said and he just looked away. I grabbed his chin and faced him towards me. "Hey... don't be sad or embarrassed! I'm going to help you okay?" I said and he nodded. "My mom has a-always been there when I w-would get s-sick" he shivered. I kissed his lips and put a blanket on him. "I'll help you. I can't guarantee that I will be like her and I'm sorry, but I will help you and do whatever you need" I told him smiling at his watery eyes. "But your stomach?" I used a spell last night. It just worked a bit and I still need to heal better but I am perfectly fine Draco." I said and turned on the black and white television for him. "What movie?" "No idea. I think it is about vampires and ware wolves?" I replied and he nodded. "Interesting"

I was finishing some soup in the kitchen and then I heard Draco gag. I walked to the room and didn't see him. I saw him in the bathroom in the floor with his face in the toilet seat. I sat next to him and rubbed his back. "You d-Don't have to stay really. I'm sure you don't want to see me vomit" he said. His eyes watery again. I went to the room and brought the blanket."Keep yourself warm baby" I said and put it over him as he continued to gag. I rubbed his back in circles. "It's okay baby. Let it out" he sat there and cried. Like I had never seen him cry this way before. "You really don't feel well at all?" I asked and his shook his head no. "You need me to call someone?" I asked and he shook his head no again. He flushed he toilet and fell into my arms. I ran my fingers through his hair. "I'm here baby. I'm here. Don't worry" I said and he just cried and layed there. "Gonna brush your teeth?" I asked and he nodded. I helped him stand up to the sink and he brushed his teeth. "Come on. Let's go get you and I some clothes so we can shower. Hopefully then you'll feel better?" "No sex?" He asked. "No sex." I said and he nodded happily. "You don't feel good at all huh?" He shook his head. "I'm sorry." I said.

He came back with mine and his clothes and I started the water. "Arms up" I said and he lifted them. I slid his shirt off and the rest of his clothes. Then I took off all of mine. "Come" I said and opened the glass shower door. We both got in and I closed the door and locked it. He got under the water and so did I. "Better?" I asked but he shook his head. "Sit down" I said. Our shower was pretty big that it also fit a small bench in the back. I ordered Draco to sit down and I started to shampoo his beautiful hair. "Close your eyes" I said and I washed the shampoo out. He spit out water and I giggled.

After doing that 1 more time, I did my hair and conditioned it as well. "stand up for a minute drake" I said and he stood up holding onto the shower door handles. I took the sponge and scrubbed his body up and down. He got in the water and rinced off. I did my body and rinced off as well.

I stopped the water and got out of the shower first and putting a towel on my naked body. I took the green towel into my hands and handed it to Draco. He got out and we both started to dry ourselves and comb out our hair. We got changed. "All done?" I asked and he nodded. He shivered at me opening the door. "You should get some pants baby." I said and we walked into the room. He got some pants and put them on. "I made soup earlier. I can warm it up. You want some?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes please" I served the soup and brought it to the room where Draco was falling asleep. The movie was still playing. "Draco. I have your food baby" I said and he sat up. I handed him the warm bowl and got my own. We both ate and watched the movie at the same time. I took his bowl when he finished and he ran into the bathroom. Throwing up again. I followed behind him. I sat next to him until he finished and brushed his teeth and flushed the toilet. "Better?" "Barely. Maybe I shouldn't eat as of now" he said and I nodded. "But it was a good soup" he said hugging me and he smiled weakly. He stumbled back into her and we both cuddled up. I put the heater on and we weren't cold anymore. I looked down at him and he was struggling to stay awake.

I moved his hair out of his face "hey... take a nap. I know you're tired. Ill take in with you okay?" I said and we both layed down in the bed. I turned off the television and I layed on Draco's pillow with him as he hugged my waist.

1 hour later

I woke up and saw that Draco wasn't in the bed anymore. I walked into the living room and didn't see him and then I heard him in the bathroom again. "Draco?" I said standing in the doorway "mmhmm?" He muffled out. "You should really see someone, please? At least let me owl Blaise and Ginny only!" I said and he gave in

After a while I heard a knock on the door and I opened it. Ginny and Blaise walked in. "Wow. Nice place!" She Exclaimed "Yea and later we can swim! You brought your suits right?" I asked and they nodded. "Where is the sick patient?" Asked Blaise and I pointed in the room. He was laying on the bed drawing something. I was the best at potions and the smarts, but Blaise was always and will always be the best out of all of us for medicine/health.

"It doesn't seem like anything really bad." Blaise said and I sat next to Draco. I felt his forehead and he felt hotter than earlier. I accidentally poked his head with my engagement ring "sorry!" I laughed. "This should pass in a few days. Maybe 2-3 if he drinks the medicine. If he doesn't, then 5-6 days. "I w-Want it" he said. "You May have to throw up a lot. Just a warning" he said and Ginny hugged me from behind. "You scared me!" She laughed at me. "Haha!" She Exclaimed. Draco drank the medicine that Blaise gave him.

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