2. Mudblood

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I do not own any of the characters in this Fan Fic, J.K Rowling does. I only own story line
there is DRAMIONE in the next chapter x


"Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had an amazing break. Enlightenment of last years horrible events, i would like to have 1 minute of silence for our fallen soldiers." Professor McGonagall started. Everyone was in their houses, and all sitting down in silence. Some bowed their heads in honour of the fallen, other just looked around... but no one peeped a word.

"Thank you. They may be gone physically, but they are never far from our minds. They won't be forgotten. We all miss them very much. We thank them for their work in helping us defeat Voldemort." Professor McGonagall had some tears running down her face, as did many of the students still grieving over loved ones. Ginny and Hermione looked at each-other with tears running down their faces, and wiped them off before paying attention to the front again.

"i hope this year will be better then last, and i would also like to congratulate you all for fighting and helping. There is a councillor, Mrs May, who is here for your problems that you might be dealing with. Her office is on the 4th floor. Just pop in, and book an appointment to see her. Now i don't want to rumble on, so Let the feast begin!" Food appeared on the tables with a pop. Everyone dug in.

"Aren't you going to grab any more Ginny?" Garry asked with a concerned look on his face. Ginny looked up from her hands.

"I'm not particularly hungry." Ginny replied. All she had on her plate was some green beans, and a tiny sliver of lasagna that you could eat in 2 bites. Harry gave her a hug, and connected the dots that Professor McGonagall speech hit close to her heart.
Everyone really did miss Fred. It was always Fred and George Weasleys. The twins of mischief, but now it was just George. George had become very quiet since loosing his other half. He didn't even want to go into their shop they had together. Everyone could understand though.
It was rough.

"Ron could you please pass me the spaghetti?" Hermione looked up to Ron who had the spaghetti in front of him. He had finished dinner and was waiting for Harry to finish.

"Get it yourself. You have arms and a heart beat for a reason." Ron said bluntly. He rolled his eyes and continued to read the Dailey Profit that he didn't get to finish on the train.
Harry grabbed the Spaghetti Bowl and passed it to Hermione with a smile.
"Ron, what's the matter with you?" Harry lifted his head from his plate and looked to Ron who was sitting next to him.

"Nothing wrong, Hermione is just lazy." He didn't even lift his head up from the paper.
Hermione scoffed at Ron.

"Ronald, i asked you to last the bowl of spaghetti. I didn't ask you to Run around the quidditch field. I think you're the one lazy." Hermione served herself some spaghetti and placed it in an empty spot on the table. She wasn't fazed by this.

"Ron you have been off lately. What's your deal?" Ginny chimed in.

"Nothings happening. You should be asking your best friends what's the matter with her because she is just being plain rude, and annoying. Are we sure that she is the brightest witch of our age?" Ron raised his voice, and a couple of heads turned around to see what the commotion was.

"I'm being rude? I'm not the one who is ignoring their ex who they broke up with am i? Your acting like a two year old whose having a hissy fit!" Hermione competed with Ron's raised voice.

"Shove off Hermione, no one gives a shit about you." Ron rolled his eyes.

"Ron all i'm asking for is a little bit of respect. I do still love you very much you know. We have talked about this. As much i as i love you in both ways, as a brother and boyfriend, you just feel like we are too close to be more then friends. So can you please get over this so we can actually be best friends again. If you are so upset, maybe you should try to remember why you broke my heart in the first place!" Hermione had tears in her eyes for the second time this meal. Ginny rubbed hermione's back, as all of Hermione's old feelings of the breakup came back up.

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