17. Imperius

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I don't own any character J.K rowling does,
i own plot line x


Hermione's POV

I woke up the next morning to Ginnys snores. Merlin, how could harry get over this?
I yawned, and refused to get out of bed as I extremely tired from my late walk with Malfoy. I did that on a school night.
What. An. Idiot.

I noted that it was 7:40, and jumped out of bed.
"Ginny, shut up, and get up." I shook her, until she opened her eyes.

"Bugger off." She grunted, and rolled over.

"Get up, i'm hungry and i want to go to breakfast!" I shook her once more.
"I will personally use aguamenti on you if you don't get up."
I threatened.

She slowly sat up, and rubbed her eyes, removing any sleep.
"Jeez, what got your panties in a twist?"

"I'm just tired, that's all." I walked over to grab my wand, and changed my pyjamas into my robes, and defrizzed my hair.

"Why'd you come back late last night?" She asked as she drank some water on the side of her bed.
"Don't lie to me if that's what your thinking. I heard you come home last night." She got up from her bed confidently.

"I- well- kinda, maybe, snuck out with Draco... but nothing happen i swear!" I quickly walked into the bathroom, Ginnys head popped in moments after.

"You what?"

"Snuck out with Draco?" I said wearily, putting on concealer to cover my bags.

"Tell. Me. EVERTHING!" I jumped behind me, and i laughed.

"I'll tell you tonight Gin, just go get ready so we can go eat." I made a promise with her, and put down the makeup.

"You better." She walked out to go get changed.

20 minutes later

Ginny and I had finally made it t breakfast. We opened the great doors, and we looked around.
My eyes got pulled to the Slytherin table. I first saw Blaise who was smiling at me, then i saw Draco. He had his iconic smirk plastered on his face, then winked.
I playfully rolled my eyes, and noticed that Ginny had already left me to go sit with Harry, Neville, and Seamus.
I caught up to her, and sat down with everyone.

"Morning!" They all chimed.

"Morning!" I mirrored whilst serving myself yogurt and fruit.

"Is it true what happen yesterday?" Seamus asked, which lead to dean slapping in on the arm.

"It's fine, yeah. But it's all good now. It's just not like Ron to do that." I smiled awkwardly, and started eating my breakfast.

"Speaking of Ron, where is he?" Ginny asked, looked around the hall.

"Oh, he's at the hospital wing. He has a fractured arm from the hall." Harry replied.

"And brain." Ginny mumbled. I quietly laughed, and continued eating my food, until i was rudely interrupted by a origami crane falling beside my hand. I looked around to see who it was from, not noticed no one suspicious.

"Ooo! Open it!" Ginny squealed, and leant over to see me open it.

"Alright, alright!" I slowly undid the crane, and read it out loud.

"Liked our walk last night, should do it again. Never knew Granger liked to sneak out past curfew-" I looked up, my eyes wide open, looking at the people around me who heard.
No one seemed bothered by it, so i continued reading.

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