Chapter 11: Preparations

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Lizzie's POV

"LIZ! LIZ! LIZ!" An enthusiastic voice screeched as it entered my dorm room.

What. The. Hell.

The voice continued on to yell as it neared my bed. Even though it woke me up, I continued on to pretend that I was asleep. Maybe it would leave me be and then I could fall asleep again.

"THERE'S A DAMN FIRE, FOR MERLIN'S SAKE!" The person yelled as it nudged me. At that moment, I quickly shot up from my bed and got out.


"Oi! Stop banging our ear drums!" Someone yelled as they swung the door open. It was Dom. "What the heck is going on in here! And what fire? There's no bloody fire! It's 6 in the morning, for Merlin's sake! It's Saturday!" And with that, Dom slammed the door shut, and I could hear her stomping away.

I froze. What?

Wow, Dom was not the most gorgeous person in the morning, I'll tell you that.

I turned around to the person who had woken me up.


"So there's no fire?" I ask her.

She simply nodded as I sighed in relief. "I needed some way of waking you up." I rolled my eyes at her.

"This better be good, Ro. Now what is it?"

Rose broke out in a wide grin and started squealing. It was a good thing our room mates weren't in the room, well except for Quinn. She's a heavy sleeper during the weekends. She could sleep through an entire war, for crying out loud! But the other's however, Charlye and Sarah were early risers and usually woke up around 5 in the morning. We weren't close to the three of them, but we were all on good terms. "SCORPIUS ASKED ME TO THE BALL THIS MORNING!"

My mouth hung open.

She. Woke. Me. Up. For. This!

I mean, don't get me wrong I'm happy for her, but seriously, it couldn't wait till later!

"You screamed a bloody fire was going on and woke me up screaming, resulting Dom to come here and yell for that!" I exclaim.

Rose stared at me, giving me an expression saying that what she did was nothing. "Yes." She simply said. I mentally palm smacked my forehead.

I stared at her. "You're mad. You know it could've waited!"

"But I was sooo excited to tell you, Liz!" She exclaims. "Now, do you want to know what happened or not?"

I sigh. "I'm already up. Why not. Fancy on going out to the courtyards?" Rose nodded. I quickly brushed my teeth grabbed jacket, UGG boots and went down. It was still pretty early, and usually around this time during the weekends, the castle seemed pretty deserted. Usually people woke up or came out of their dorms around 9 or 10. I wasn't even bothered with that fact that I was still in my pajamas. I mean, it wasn't too bad or anything. I was wearing a pink fitted tank and my baggy grey sweats. Plus, there wasn't a lot of people up at this time anyway. And I was wearing a jacket, so who cares?

As we came down from the dorms, we past through the common room. There wasn't a lot of people in the common room. Around people. It was James, Al, and one of James' friends.

"Morning, beauties!" James yelled as we past them. We both smiled at him, waved and continued on to where we were going. I couldn't help but look over to Al as Rose and I both climbed out of the portal to the common room. He was looking at us. Mostly, me. Our eyes connected for a moment, but I quickly broke our contact away as I continued to climb out of the portal.

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