Chapter 13: Game

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Lizzie's POV

I don't know how long I sat there on the pitch. I was too caught up in my own thoughts to even pay attention to anything that went around me.

"Iz." A very familiar voice called out softly. I slightly jumped. What's with people creeping up on people! But I knew that voice.

I knew that voice anywhere. Al.

I turned around, and my head snapped over to him. I could feel my eyes slightly widening. What was he doing here? What did he want? "I need to talk to you." He spoke softly, as his eyes met mine.

I almost panicked. I wanted to get out of here. I couldn't face him. I sometimes hated confrontation. I couldn't think straight, think clearly, speak right, or act right. It was situations like this that got me nervous. But if it was a situation where we would start dueling with our wands (or our fists) I would've done just fine.

ONly I don't think I want to fight a guy. Plus, AL would be too much of a girl to even throw a punch my way. But if I were to fight Maci now...Oh-ho, well I'd probably go all ninja and kick her arse.

"Oh." I simply said, getting up, dusting my dress off a bit. "Uhm, what are you doing here?"

"Saw you left. Thought we'd talk about...Everything." He said softly, but loud enough for me to hear. I almost shook my head. I didn't want to deal with this now. I just couldn't. [A/N: Hey, if you wanted some music to enter the mood while you read from here during their conversation, listen to "You're Not Sorry" by Taylor Swift. I listened to the song as I wrote this. Don't read their conversation too fast BTW. Try to get in the mood.]

"I-I was just getting some air." I tell him, refusing to look in his eyes. "I was just leaving." I start to hurry off, heading straight for the exit of the pitch, but something pulled me back as I passed him. I looked to my wrist, and saw Al's hand, who had a firm grip around it.

For the first time, since he said that he wanted to talk, I looked at him and even though it may have been a bit dark, the moon still gave out light. He was looking at me, his eyes darkening a bit. "No." He said as his voice cracked, shaking his head. "Not this time. Every time I try to approach or even talk to you, you run away. You avoid me. You're not gonna run away this time, Izzie."

I looked back at my wrist, where his hand took a grip upon of. "Let go." I say. But he didn't let go.

"No. You'll just run away again. The last time, I let you go. This time...I'm holding on." He said seriously.

I was even more upset. "You let me go more than once, Al. I don't know if I can attach myself to you anymore." I said, almost angry. He's made too many mistakes.

"What do you mean?" His eyes searching mine for answers.

"I-I can't do this." I spluttered, trying to get myself away from Al, but he placed his free arm around me, and pulled my arms to him, holding me close.

"You need to listen for once. Don't run away from me. Don't be a coward-"

"I'm not!" I interjected.

"You are. You can't face me. You won't talk to me. You pull away all the time. It's like I'm some sort of plague that you keep on running away from."

"I, had my reasons, Al." I said in frustration.

"Yeah." He said pausing for a moment, his face softening. "I know."

This was my turn to be confuse. "W-What do you mean?" I stuttered nervously.

He was quiet for a moment. He didn't say anything. "I meant what I said...Back at the Hospital Wing a while ago." He said softly. Okay, hold up. What did he mean! I was getting anxious. Nervous even. I haven't even seen him visit while I was awake. He only appeared in my...dream.

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