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(Story is based in Australia)

Dancing with myself - Billy Idol plays in the back on my speaker as i was playing on my single player survival minecraft world, whilst i was twitch streaming. I had over 100k views currently

"simpnation3982has donated $1: you should go on the next love or host!" The robotic voice said in my ear. The chat went crazy! Love or host? i'll check that out later I thought to myself

"thanks simp nation for the dono! I have no idea what love or host is but ill be sure to check it out!" I said and smiled at the camera

"well guys I think that will be all for todays stream!" I said finishing up some touch ups in my house. "thanks you guys so much for joining me today and I will see you all very soon! love you all!" i waved at the camera and ended my stream.

I sigh as I get out of my gaming chair and walk to my kitchen. Getting a cup of water I pull out my phone and search up love or host on google. "love or host is a game show airing on Twitch, specifically on the AustinShow channel. It's a new(ish) concept that fuses traditional reality TV and live streaming so you have to catch it when it airs to really understand and follow whats going on." It read on some random website. Some popular videos popped up so I click on one to watch. "LOVE OR HOST FT MINX & 10 GUYS & GIRLS" the video was 3 1/2 hours long, so i chrome casted the youtube video on the tv and sat on the couch

I was half way through the stream when my roommate/ cousin walked in from the grocery store.

"what are you watching?" He asked

{Lachlan: (the cousin) is a oc character :)) }

"oh hey, Lachy! Im watching this show, it's called love or host. One of my followers suggested i should join it" I laughed

"Oh I saw a couple of episodes of that" he grinned putting away some groceries"I mean you should totally join it, you've been single for so long!" he said jokingly I stared at him. I got up from the couch took a large sip of water and spat it in his face. "Y/N! WHAT THE HELL" I smiled at him and told him to clean it up as i walked to my bedroom.

I flopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Until I got a notification on my phone creating a loud ding. I got a text message from @AustinOnTwitter. I stared at the message that read: 'hey! a lot of my followers have been mentioning your name during my streams! and I thought you would be a great contestant on my show love or host! would you be interesting in joining?' O MY GOD what is HAPPENING! i thought. I replied back: 'hey I would love to join! who would be featured?' i asked. A few minutes later and he responded: 'GeorgeNotFound! you can check him out and see if you would like to join the show! the show will start in a few days so I recommend making your decision soon!' I replied with: 'will do!' I went on google and searched georgenotfound, he's pretty cute! I watch a few of his videos including dream team and follow him on twitter.

I get out of my bed and go to my cousins room and slam the door open. "LACHY!" I scream

"WHAT! Y/N YOU SCARED ME" he jumped in his bed.

"i'm going on love or host featuring georgenotfound!" I say enthusiastically

"no way y/n! i'm proud of you"

"actually wait, no. I forgot to text Austin back!" I go onto twitter and text him: 'I would love to be apart of your show!' and he replied right away and said: 'amazing! cant wait! it will be starting in 3 days' 3 DAYS! dang, I thought it would be in like a week. "okay, okay its starting in 3 days" i say to Lachy.


Hey this is my first story don't come at me 🥺✌🏼

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