chapter14 ; the kissing booth

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slight note: this will be for sure the last chapter lmao- no more ideas head empty 🤭

Looking at my phone in disbelief, I chuckled. "As if I'd come to this shit hole of a party." I said as I tossed my phone and entered my cozy bed. Only waking up to harsh knocks at the door. I yawned, grabbed a robe, and left my room. Rubbing my eyes I saw flowers on the doormat. Looking left and right, picking them up. As I turned around I heard a force cough. The delivery boy. I looked at him. "Delivery t-to Y/N?" He said as he had a lot of letters. Fan mail. "Oh thank you." I said grabbing the letters. He left as I walked back inside. Placing the letters down on the countertop, and placing the flowers in the vase the same number kept texting. I groaned. "Halloween Party Club Festive Now?" I said reading it dumb like. I yawned again and fell asleep.

Only to wake up 2 hours later, with multiple calls from the unknown number. I groaned and answered. Robo calls. "SHUT.UP." I said and hung up. As I dressed up, I started streaming. Only to seem to be....not having any idea of what to do. I was stumped. I turned on my camera and begun. "Hey- uhm guys. Quick question." I said. "I'm going out but I need help, there's a girl who hates me but I can't deal with that due to the stress of this situation." I said puffing into my inhaler. I looked like a mess. I wasn't cleaned up as I'd usually. "Sorry for my look. I was waken up early." I showed a flower and smiled, sniffing a bit. "Roses are my favorite, cliche a bit." I said smiling before chat donos told me advice. I smiled and thanked. Playing a bit of Smashbros for entertainment and then ended. I got up and grabbed lunch. Short streams usually make people concerned. I got a text from Schlatt, chuckling a bit as I thought about how coincidence it was.

Schlatt: hey y/n, you got those texts as well? every Twitch person has.

Oh so it wasn't just me..

Y/N: I thought so, and wait by that you mean.....?

Schlatt: some fangirls, and by that a couple thousand. Majority of us thought of to go to check it out.

Interesting. I replied back and forth as I finished my lunch. After going back to my computer I thought to myself for a bit. "Let's see...holy shit it's already October!" I said noticing rubbing my head as I fixed my glasses. I got up and grabbed black clothes, fixing my self up. "Halloween is so close and I love it!" I squealed as I called Schlatt, hoping he would gladly answer. He did and we decided to meet up with a couple of boys. As we chatted all of our phones buzzed. Same number. "Jesus Fuck." Carson said through the mask as we laughed. "There's a location." I said pointing on the screen, pressing the location. "Oops-" I said as Carson slapped my head. "OW. I said sorry jesus!" I said as he apologized. "Oh shit it's nearby." He said as we jerked our heads. "Where?" Schlatt asked. "A party nearby. Seems to be called Kissing Booth." He said looking at his phone, his finger implying the fact he's zooming in and out. "Shall we go?" "You think it's a good idea really?" "Well what else could we do?" "Hmm...the messages are really annoying." "Let's just fuck it!" Everyone sighed as we had all agreed. It's not like it's going to really take forever.

After what could have been a 2 hour walk if Carson's phone didn't stop disconnecting from the navigation, it would have been like it suggested, half an hour long. We groaned as Schlatt and Cooper stopped to use the bathroom. I sat down on a chair and sighed. My legs feeling like jelly. "You and Schlatt are such a nice couple." Said Cooper grinning. "I hope it doesn't make everyone think we'll end up at each other's ends." I said messing with my hair, sweat running through my fingers from my forehead. As the two got out I went up and hugged him. "Mutton Chops." I said stopping and briefly brushing my finger against his face, my face grinning as he laughed and grabbed my hand and held it. We continued our journey down hill and finally found it. Kissing Booth. We were all impressed by the looks of it. We walked into the line to only be called by our Internet names. We snorted as walked through the and entered. Confused, we stepped foot and holy shit was this a club filled with booths? All having its own purpose. "Well this is perfect for Schlatt and Y/N." Cooper said jokingly as I laughed at Schlatt. "You forgot what clothes you have in your house and who handed the flowers." The boys did a little oooo as I was flustered. "S-S-Shut up!"

We were confused on the location of the club. And why were we all bothered. It seems that it could have been a joke until the PA boomed.
Schlatt and Y/N please report to the back of the club. A special is needed for you. Schlatt and Y/N. "How do they know?" I said as we were jsut about to set foot. The boys went out and said they'd wait. We doubted. As we left, a couple girls rushed by, briskly touching schlatts arm, he jolted and looked at them as I grabbed his hand. His huge hand compared to my small one. All rough but soft. I smiled as I was really happy this would happen to me. "Must have some balls to call us-" I said before seeing the booth. K I S S A Friend, Kissing Booth Original. Schlatt jerked his head a bit. "Your telling me we're making out infront of a live recording." He said as I looked around and nodded. As I pecked his cheek for good luck, we sat down. "Time to be payed real money to kiss Y/N. A lobster." He wrote on a piece of paper and slide it to me. I giggled before being in awe. He had the balls!

After multiple and multiple, lips intertwining and even a bit of tongue we were somewhat feeling amazing. Mostly I, cause I've never thought every time would be better than the last kiss. I saw his hand in his knee shaking, he was fucking enjoying this! Hes shaking from excitement. "Your enjoying this Hm?" I said as he laughed. "As if I'd enjoy kissing your soft silky-" he leaned in when saying that. "Lips." Before kissing me again. I kissed back as I rubbed my fingers down his chin. He grinned. After multiple attempts and many dollars collectedx, we were exhausted. "Holy shit both of your faces colliding is somewhat surprising to watch." Said Carson and chuckled at Schlatts remarks. "Fucking Y/N has clouds for lips." He said embarrassed a bit. We bid the boys farwell as Schlatt and I walked to his. We needed to try to take in what happened. "Well we all have stalkers." He manages to say after looking at me, staring in my ocean eyes. "Oh really?" I said as he opened the building door. As we entered the elevator, I spilled my hand in his grasp. Chuckling he grabs it back and lifts me downwards before lifting my chin up. "Hmm, not yet." I was taken by surprise before let back to my normal position. "Did you just tease me?!" I said realizing as he laughed. "Fuck yeah!" He said as I pouted. "WHORE!" I grabbed his sleeve and when we entered his room, I tackled him on the bed. He was taken back mostly because it was pretty late and the fact we were making out. Like a lot.

"Y/N?" He asked as I snuggled up in a blanket, sitting on the couch. Wearing one of his hoodies. "Hmm?" I said as he pulled popcorn out of the microwave. "Sweet!" I said as I ate some. We watched some movies, mostly Jurassic Park/World. Hiding in the sleeves, he leaned in and helped me after watching a man be eaten by velociraptors. "Hugh- I'm gonna barf" I said as he grew a concern look. "Not over the couch!" He said as he turned of the movie. "Let's just sleep you look like shit." I smiled, my eyes being forced awake.

Being alone with Schlatt is an amazing time. Only to wake up in the middle of the night, snuggling against his chest. Life was great, and I hope Schlatt and I stay this way. I love the big man, he's fucking funny and stupid. "I love you Schlatt." I whispered before falling back asleep.

I expected more but this is the end :(.
I'm making more YouTubers x Readers so stay in tune! And really I hope you enjoyed this 13 chapter long Schlatt x Reader. Love you all <3

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Anything comment!

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