Chapter 1

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"It's not her fault, father ! I was in the wrong !" Screamed Angelika, pacing furiously around her room.
"I believe you, Angelika. But you have to understand that Rowan has an influence on you. And it's not good. You have to stay away from her for a while. We put so much time and energy in you, we can't afford to loose you because you got lost in the woods and starved. Do you understand ?" Explained the Lord, his eyes narrowed with concern. Angelika understood what was his point but refused to see it this way.
"You want me to stay away from her like I stayed away from Corlin ? When he died I didn't even cry..."
The lord tilted his head slightly
"Of course you did. You jumped into my arms and you cried on my shoulder." He said, his hands going into fists at the memories.
"I was crying because I felt bad. I felt bad for not feeling anything. That was the most horrible feeling I've ever felt. I don't want to feel nothing, father. If Rowan dies, I want to cry as much tears as I can. I never got to have time with Corlin. He was just a baby and I'm sure he could've use some time with his oldest sister. But I wasn't here. I wasn't here and when he died I didn't feel anything at all. It's unfair !" She cried out, going to her window and gently placing her forehead on it. Dearron walked to her and gently stroke her hair before taking her into his arms.
"Sometimes, making some distance helps to protect those we love. I'm not asking you to forget about your sister. Just keep your distance for a while. To protect her. Ok ?" He asked, gently kissing her head.
Angelika closed her eyes and a tear rolled down her face.

"—Lika ? Angelika, my love." Murmured a voice. The Lady blinked back to reality and looked around. She was sitting at the table with her husband and his two brothers along with some counselors and other important men.
"I-..." she looked around again and shook her head slightly before smiling at all these men's
"I'm sorry for the interruption, gentlemen. Did anyone asked anything that was destined to me ?" She asked, her smile still on her face. An old men at the end of the table rose his hand before getting up and bowing slightly.
"I did, Lady Mormont. I just asked how were your parents. They've been ill for a few weeks now and I've heard their condition got worst. Do you think your sister will be fine leading her House on her own ? Maybe it's about time she gets married."
Aden Mormont sent the men a death glare before looking at his wife. Her smile had disappeared and she was looking lost again.
"I am not expecting good news about my parents unfortunately. They're getting old and they're tired. As for my sister, she'll make a wonderful job. Rowan never needed a men to support her and she won't need any just yet." Explained Angelika trying to sound as polite as possible.
"But, my Lady, I—" the men was cut by the Lord Mormont
"Please, ser Redwyne, sit down" he ordered, placing a gentle hand on his wife's shoulder. The old men seemed to hesitate but bowed his head to his Lord and sat down.
"If you have to go, I can have a servant to prepare our room for you" proposed Aden gently, ready to call a servant. Angelika shook her head with a smile.
"I'm fine, darling." She assured. She looked up and noticed that everyone was starring at her. She sent them a smile and turned her attention to her husband's older brother.
"So, Darvon, how is the Queen and her family ? Everything's doing fine in king's landing ?" She asked, continuing to eat. Darvon nodded and sighed with a smile.
"The Queen is fine. To be honest, I'm most scared of the king. He gets more aggressive everyday that passes and his second born son is following his path. I am trying my best, as his Hand, to bring as much reason on him. The people are getting poorer and they are starving. Only the rich get richer" he explained. Angelika felt her heart twist with pain.
"Maybe they should encourage the young's to educate themselves. Start their own farms or bakery so they can sell things and have money. Part of that money could go to the castle to finance more buildings and food to help out the population." She said out loud, forgetting for a second that there were people around. She suddenly realized she didn't talk in her head.
"I mean... if House Mormont had this much money, I'd totally talk about this with my husband" she said lowly with a shy smile. Brenn looked at her and nodded with a charming smile.
"That's smart. I'm proud my brother married a smart women. I'm sure you would make a good commander. You're strategic and you think differently. You would make a good queen unlike those old white haired pigs" he spat as he started talking about the royal family. An awkward silence filled the room and Darvon sent his youngest brother a death glare.
"Watch your mouth, Brenn. You're saying quite dangerous words in front of the Hand of your majesty." He growled, glaring at the young men with his deep brown eyes. Brenn watched his brother with narrowed eyes and a large smile on his face.
"What are you going to do ? Kill me ? Send me to king's landing so I can crawl below them and beg for forgiveness ? That'll never happen. I'm not bowing in front of these sick inbred !" He snapped.
Darvon hit the table with his fist which made Angelika and a few others jump on their chair.
"King Seamas Targaryen has ears everywhere, brother. I wouldn't betray my family but I wouldn't lie if I were asked to tell the truth. I am loyal and I know what's good and what's considered as a treason. Talking about replacing the queen involves starting a revolution, a war. Now let's get back to dinner, shall we ?" He proposed, trying to calm down. Aden gave a nod and looked at Brenn.
"This is a wonderful idea. We shall—" he was cut by Brenn.
"You're not loyal ! You're a dog ! A good dog obeying to its master ! One day, you'll be no use and they'll end you, dragging your body in the mud before throwing you in a ditch !" He yowled with rage.
Now it was Aden's turn to get angry. He screamed his brother's name and got up. Angelika watched Brenn neutrally.
"Brenn I've heard enough nonsense for tonight. As your lord, I ask you to leave the table. Go wherever you please but don't stay here." He said loudly with a deep voice.
Brenn looked at him with a smirk and scoffed. He quickly and angrily got up, kicking his chair away before leaving the room. He slammed the giant doors as he disappeared. Again, an awkward silence reigned in the room. Aden sat down and shook his head.
"Darvon, I'm so sorry about Brenn. You know how he is right ? Always seeking attention always getting in trouble. He's not our little brother for nothing" he laughed the last sentence quietly. Darvon nodded but he didn't laugh.
"Brenn could be in real trouble. If the royal family ask me how it went, I'll have to tell them the truth." He said lowly, looking directly at the lord of bears. Angelika letted out a soft but embarrassed laugh
"Darvon, he's... he's your brother. You would turn him in and risk his life over a little misunderstanding ?" She asked.
"That was not a misunderstanding, my lady. What he said could be seen as treason. If I hide it, I'll die too and maybe risk the safety of my entire family. This is not what I want. He literally said you would make a better queen than Lenany Targaryen herself " he scoffed, shaking his head.
Angelika shrugged.
"I don't care. He can say anything. I have no interest in the throne. It is too much of a burden and I am not willing to take on so much responsibility." She explained, getting up.
"The king and queen won't see it that way, dear." Mumbled Darvon, shaking his head left and right. Aden tilted his head.
"Angelika, love, where are you going ?" He asked.
"I'm going to see your brother. Making sure he doesn't do anything stupid" she said, leaving the room and closing the door softly behind her.

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