Chapter 3

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Caryss Karstark ran in the castle's halls, looking for her husband. In her hand, was a piece of paper no longer than her arm. On her way, she questioned a few servants to know where her husband could be. One of them replied that he was in the throne hall, having meeting with the maester, the head of the Karstark guarding forces and the general of their army along with some other important men such as lord Umber and Lord Stark, his brother. The Karstark broke in the room, suddenly realizing how impolite she looked. "My apologies" she started, seeing that everyone was looking at her. Dearron looked pissed off but he could see the look in his wife's eyes and knew something was off. "Is there anything important you need to share with us, Caryss ?" Asked the lord Karstark. Caryss looked at her husband severely, her jaw clenching. She quickly calmed down and nodded. "There is. But it concerns you and I. I'd like to talk to you in private. Please." She asked, her already dark eyes darkening. Dearron bit his lower lip, ready to throw a tantrum. Caryss knew that he didn't like to be interrupted in the middle of such important meetings. He then noticed the paper in her hand and as he looked closely, he noticed the bear of the Mormont sigil. He narrowed his eyes and straightened, his eyes never leaving the paper. "Out" he ordered everyone. Berret Stark huffed and placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Really ? You are ordering me around now ?" He scoffed, hoping that his brother, from a lower house than his, was joking. Dearron turned around slowly, his eyes angry. "You're in Karhold here. You'll obey my rules as long as you in these walls. I'll obey you when you're out of my lands, Lord Stark" said Dearron, angrily pushing his brother's hand away. This one chuckled and shook his head. "We'll talk about this later. Now go to your precious wife" he hissed, angrily exiting the room. Dearron sighed when the door were closed and walked to his wife "I hope this is urgent." He grumbled, looking at Caryss in the eyes. "It is... it's from House Mormont." Started the Lady Karstark. Dearron grumbled and turned his back to his wife "yeah I figured that much. What does Jarad Mormont wants ?" He asked, crossing his arms and running his right hand through his beard. Caryss looked up at him with disgust. "Our daughter."

Angelika woke up in a room that she knew too well. The infirmary. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked around slowly. Next to her was her sister, sitting on a chair while the maester was watching her. He lowered his gaze when she woke up. "My lady" he mumbled. Rowan snapped her head to look at her sister as soon as she heard the maester. She got up and walked quickly to Angelika, placing a hand on her forehead. "You have no fever. It's a great start." She smiled, making Angelika chuckle. The caretaker narrowed his eyes with confusion. "Maybe she passed out because of the shock. Lady Mormont, do you remember anything that happened before you passed out ?" Asked the old men, looking at Angelika with his one good eye. Angelika frowned and suddenly remembered everything. Her parents were dead. That's why her sister was here, next to her. "Yes..." she mumbled, "I remember everything" she added, taking Rowan's hand. Angelika sat down on the bed where she had been laying down and looked around "where's Aden ?" She asked. "He went to get you some water for when you would wake up." Answered Rowan before looking at the maester. "So it's just shock ?" She asked, her voice showing a hint of disbelief. The old men shrugged "that's what I would say. She fainted right after you told her the new. I don't see what else it could be." He said, running his fingers through his long and white beard, trying to think of something else that could cause the fainting. An idea suddenly flashed through his mind and he froze. Angelika noticed his behavior and frowned again. "Maester Jovarn, what's going on" she asked, getting up. Jovarn looked at her and smiled. "You might want to sit down, my lady. May I ask lady Karstark to leave the room ?" He asked gently. Rowan looked at him with anger. "That's my sister's life. I saw the way you suddenly froze in place. I'm staying." She declared, placing her hands on Angelika's arm. The lady Mormont smiled softly and placed her hands on Rowan's. "Rowan please. Maybe he just has some private questions to ask me. There's no way I want you to stay while I answer them" she chuckled, her eyes shining. Rowan looked at her older sister softly and stayed put. She didn't want to go ! But... now that it was Angelika asking, she couldn't say no. The girl nodded lightly and made her way out of the room, her direwolf following behind. Jovarn waited for the door to be completely closed before he turned to Angelika. "Now I'm sorry my lady but I'll have to ask some personal questions if you don't mind" he rasped, walking to a chair that he brought next to Angelika. "I'll answer anything you ask, maester Jovarn. I trust you" she said sincerely. It made the old men smile and chuckle. "You are good, Angelika. You always were good. When was the last time you bled ?" He asked, going back to his serious tone as he looked at her in the eyes. Angelika looked a bit shocked after he asked this question. 'What was I expecting. He warned me that those questions would be personal' she thought, starting to count in her head. "I honestly don't remember... a month, maybe more ?" She answered with narrowed eyes as she tilted her head to the side with confusion. Her eyes suddenly went wide and the confusion that was once on her face faded away. "Maester Jovarn am I ?..." she asked lowly, placing her hands on her belly. Jovarn shrugged again. "It's only been a month. I cant tell. But I highly believe that, yes, you are pregnant. Watch out for any bleeding in the weeks to come. Go slow with wine until we are sure." Ordered the maester with a large smile on his face. He then shook his head as he softly laughed "Aden is going to be the happiest men ever. He told me how much he wanted to be a father, and that, since he was as high as your sister's dog" he chuckled, showing the approximate height with his hand. Angelika couldn't hold back a nervous chuckle. She looked at her belly with a soft smile as she caressed it gently and lovingly. She couldn't tell Rowan about her possible pregnancy. Not yet. Rowan would want to stay and help her even though she knew Aden would be here for her. She had a House to rule, now. "Thank you maester Jovarn. I'll keep a close eye on that" she said gently, getting up and heading to the door. The old men bowed his head, offering his help to the possibly pregnant women. She kindly declined, not wanting to be a burden to the older men. She opened the door and looked around for her sister but couldn't find her. She heard people talking loudly through the halls and she could recognize her sister's voice as well as her husband's. She quickly started to make her way toward the voices and they grew louder and louder. She arrived in her oldest brother in law's room and gasped, covering her mouth with both her hands. She saw him covered in blood, a dead men at his feet. There were a lot of people in the room and they all turned to her when they heard her. Aden ran to his wife and tried to take her away. She refused to leave and made her way to Darvon. "What in the seven hells happened ?!" She questioned, looking at the blonde male on the floor. Darvon was panting slightly and he seemed to have no words.
"Angelika I- I don't know for sure what exactly happened but that men" he said, pointing at the lifeless body on the floor "tried to get rid of me." Angelika looked horrified and her sister walked by her side.
"Blonde hair like gold. Golden like a Lannister" spat Rowan, looking at the body with disgust. When they were young, their mother would show them the good and the
"bad" houses. They grew up believing that the Lannisters were nothing but whiny golden cockroaches who loved their money more than their own children. "It doesn't matter. We have to get to King's Landing" urged Darvon "the king and his family are maybe in danger" he said, already packing his  things. "It didn't cross your mind that maybe it was your dear king that sent this assassin out there to get rid of you, didn't it " Questioned Brenn, leaning on the frame of the door, his arms crossed. Darvon's eyes looked like they were going to explode with rage. "I'm the hand of the king. I've always been loyal to his majesty." He spat, looking up at his younger brother. Brenn laughed and looked at the ground. "Right. Because this title is protecting you huh ? It's like a shield. If you think that then it only means that you're as stupid as those white haired inbred." He shrugged, walking away. Darvon ignored Brenn and kept on packing his things. "I'm coming with you." Declared Aden. Angelika's heart shattered. She didn't want anything bad to happen to Aden, especially now that she was probably pregnant with his child. "You have to rule here, Aden. I cant ask you to come with me." Replied Darvon, picking up his stuff and walking out of the room. Aden stopped him and looked at him severely. "I'm not asking your permission. Angelika can rule over here while I'm gone. I know she can." Darvon looked at his brother and bit his lips. After a small while, he nodded. "Alright. Get ready, we're leaving soon." Angelika watched powerlessly as her husband ran to their room, packing some stuff before coming back to her and kissing her gently on her lips. He hugged her and whispered in her ears. "I'll be back, I promise." He then walked away, following his brother. Angelika ran to their room and watched from the window as the two brothers and some of their men left with their horses.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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