Chapter 2

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TW : sexual abuse, suicide

"Angelika !!" Squealed a small and happy voice. "Angelika come out and play ! There's Elryn and Rody waiting for us ! ...... Angelika ?..." Rowan mumbled with a sad voice as she knocked on her sister's door. Angelika looked at her door and backed away. Her heart twisted with pain but she closed her eyes and looked away. "No, Rowan. I... have so much work to do" she replied. "Go play with them. Have fun and be free for me ok ?" She asked her, going to her window and starring at the horizon. Rowan sighed and looked at her feet. "It's the third time in three weeks Angie... just know that I feel like you're avoiding me..." she mumbled the last part before walking away from her sisters room. Angelika closed her eyes softly and letted out a long and saddened breath. "I'm doing this for her... I'm doing this for her..." she kept repeating herself. She watched down her window and saw her little sister running to the two boys. The three started running and Rowan stopped before turning around and looking up at Angelika's window. She could see her sister standing behind it. Angelika didn't know what to do. She simply backed away from her view and went on her bed. There, she sat down and grabbed some cotton that she started sewing. She needed to get better at sewing. Yes. That will make her mother proud.

The former lady of House Karstark looked everywhere around the castle but couldn't find Brenn. She was now heading to the gardens in the very back of the place. She walked past the arch that was opening on the beautiful open space to find Brenn pacing around, his fists trembling with rage.
"Brenn" called Angelika, staying where she was, her back straight and her chin slightly up. The women was standing like this out of habits. Her mother would always correct her posture. Memories flooded her mind and a soft smile was drawn on her delicate lips. The youngest of the brothers turned as he heard her soft voice and he immediately calmed down, his hands going back to normal. He bowed his head.
"My lady." He murmured. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable back there. I just wanted to show everyone how good of a leader you would be !" He stepped forward "you could take the iron throne if you want" he whispered. "I'm sure it wouldn't be so hard ! If we can get all of the Targaryens enemies on our side, we could—" he was cut by Angelika.
"No, Brenn. I have no interest in the crown at all." She sighed "your brothers are right. You can't talk like this when we have guests over, especially when the guests are close to the Targaryens. One day you'll get yourself killed." She said, approaching him slowly and looking at him in the eyes. The youngest Mormont son scoffed and shook his head.
"That means I'm right. If they wouldn't think like me, why would they kill me ? By killing me they'll only prove that I was right and that our house is a threat to theirs." He explained, also getting closer. Angelika stopped and tried to think. There was some kind of sense in what he was saying but she refused to see it his way. She chuckled and shook her head.
"Any person can be an enemy Brenn. That's what my father taught me" she told him as he got even closer, now their faces inches apart. Angelika didn't back away. Her mother taught her to stand tall and proud no matter the situation.
"You won't find any enemy in me, Angelika." He whispered loudly so she could hear him correctly.
"I would never betray you. I'm sure you wouldn't betray me as well..." he added.
Angelika looked at him straight in the eyes and could feel her heart beating. Now she was scared. She actually backed away but he wouldn't let her go. She ended up on a wall and the men placed his arm to block her from going anywhere.
"Brenn, back away. I will not repeat." She warned lowly with a fake smile. Brenn smiled again and looked down at the floor.
"We could rule together, Angelika. You, me... our children. We could rule over Westeros and prove to everyone that minor house does not mean minor power." He said, his lips going closer to hers. Angelika thought of her dragonglass dagger. No... she couldn't even think about hurting him. He was probably drunk !
"I am married to your Lord and brother Aden Mormont. Now, back away before I hurt you" she whispered, looking away. Brenn frowned and grabbed her head before kissing her passionately. He pulled her closer to him with force and ran his hands down her back. Angelika was taken by surprise and tried to pull herself away but he was just too strong. No. That was enough. She was able to take one of her arm out of his trap and she punched him with all the force she had in her. Brenn backed away with a loud groan of pain as he held his face. He touched his face, making sure he wasn't bleeding or didn't have anything broken. He couldn't feel any blood or broken bones. Angelika watched with wide eyes, her whole body trembling. Brenn looked at her sadly and his eyes showed disbelief.
"How could you do this to me Angelika..." he mumbled, still holding his face. A servant suddenly walked in the gardens and noticed how the two looked so troubled.
"Oh I'm sorry my lady, am I interrupting something ?..." she asked shyly, bowing to Angelika. The brown haired girl looked at Brenn and shook her head.
"No. I was just about to leave" she said, looking at the servant.
"Why were you looking for me ?" She asked, getting closer to her.
"Oh, umm your sister's here with a few of her men's and her mutt." The servant said mutt with such disgust... Angelika frowned and started running to the entrance of the castle. She stopped as she was about to step out of the only door that was separating her and her sister and prepared herself for bad news. One of her parent surely passed away... Angelika sighed and sniffled her tears away before opening the door. She saw Rowan in her armor, her wolf laying next to her as she was chatting with ser Hornwood, Karstark's most precious and loyal ally. There was also ser Flint and ser Umber. They all turned their head to Angelika as the door opened and the three mens slightly bowed their heads in respect. Angelika gave them a beautiful smile as she walked to Rowan. The youngest sister also made her way to her sister, hugging her tightly.
"It's so good to see you Angelika. I— I am afraid I am not here to bring good news..." admitted the young woman, pulling away and taking her older sister's hands. Angelika smiled sadly and tilted her head. "I figured..." she sighed "is it mother ? Father ?" She asked, feeling tears making their way up. Rowan looked away and closed her eyes "both... mother died because of the sickness and... father stabbed himself in the heart next to our mother. He couldn't bear loosing her..." Angelika's eyes widened and her heart stopped beating. She looked away and bit her lips. Aden walked in the room at the same time and went to his wife as soon as he saw Rowan. He held her in his arms and caressed her hair gently. Rowan backed away and looked away from her sobbing sister. She knew Angelika would react like this but she couldn't stand to hear her cry. Angelika calmed down and looked back over at Rowan "why are you here ? You should've sent a crow. Your people need you, Rowan" explained Angelika, running her hands under her eyes to take the tears away. "Send a crow and have it fall in between someone else's hands ? No. And I didn't want you to learn this by anyone else but me. I took our bravest soldiers and I left a few weeks ago. Maybe two ? It was hard to find a boat" she chuckled awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood. "Well you should go back now, Rowan. It's not that I don't want you here, it's just that the Karstark people are now your responsibility. You... should—" the lady's vision blurred and suddenly went to black as she fell on the floor. Aden tried to catch her but it was so sudden that he didn't have any time to react. They all ran to her side, worried and wondering what was happening.

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