Chapter Seven

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Zoë woke up to a massive headache. It was as if her head was a drum and someone was banging it with a mallet every few seconds, causing a pounding to fill her head.

She groaned and sat up, only to have the room start spinning, and she could have sworn she heard a TARDIS somewhere in the mix. She flopped back down on the bed, wincing and the back of her head made contact. She reaches up, to notice that her hair had been taken out of its braid, as well as her headband, and she had a bandage wrapped around her head. Not to mention she was still in her gym clothes.

"You've got a minor concussion, but you should be up and running in about a week." Nico DiAngelo stepped out of the shadows, his arms crossed over a t-shirt covered in dancing skeletons. Zoë groaned, covering her eyes with her hand dramatically.

"And that means no Archery." Nico added, causing Zoë to groan again.

"What are you even doing here." Zoë said, ignoring the throbbing pain in her head.

"Will asked me to watch you while him and his dad- Nurse Apollo, go pick up his adopted sister- Sabrina. School ended ten minutes ago, and no, your mom doesn't know about what happened." Nico responded curtly, still staring intently at Zoë.

"Take a photo, it'll take longer." Zoë snapped, just wanting to be left alone.

"Look." Nico said, taking a step forward, " I know you pretty well Zoë, and you never lose in dodgeball. So what's the deal? Why'd Clarisse's words get to you?" He demanded, black eyes broiling.

"How do you even know what happened," Zoë groaned, rubbing the corners of her temple, "You nor your boyfriend are in that class." Nico flushed red, denying that Will was his boyfriend, and that they were just friends, and Zoë didn't listen to a word of it. So once more, she pressed the question.

"How." She demanded, sitting up, ignoring the stars that danced in front of her eyes.

"Me." Thalia said, coming into the nurses office, a scowl set on her face. "Because I need to question you." Thalia stuffed her hands into her leather jackets pockets, before perching on a stool next to Zoë, her chin in her hand. Zoë was thinking of throwing the tissue box next to her at Thalia, who like Nico was focused intently on her, as if she was waiting permission to harass her with questions. Zoë didn't think they could be this polite.

"I have a concussion. I think it's in my best interest that I don't be forced to Anwser questions." Zoë said, folding her arms on her chest. Thalia trained her electric blue eyes on her, squinting as if to see Zoë's motive was written on her face in very small print. Thalia scowled, obviously not finding what she was looking for.

"Please." She sneered, rolling her eyes. "As if that's going to stop me." Zoë sighed, knowing that it wouldn't stop Thalia. She dragged her hand down her face, before adjusting her position as well as she could without the room turning into static. Thalia smirked in satisfaction, before launching into a list of questions so fast Zoë had to hold her hands up in a stop gesture.

"Woah, slow down Grace. Even if I didn't have a concussion I wouldn't be able to understand you." Zoë gestured to her throbbing head, and lightly tapped the cream colored bandage. Thalia scowled, which seemed to be the only form of emotion she showed. Nico, had retreated back into the corner, his black eyes gleaming like an alley cats. Thalia started up again, this time slow enough for Zoë to hear with her through banging head.

"Why did you lose?" Thalia stated, "You never get blank like that. I spent enough time with Luke to know you never, ever day dream." Thalia's voice cracked slightly, mentioning Luke. Zoë felt a pang of sorrow in her chest, partily because she missed him, and partily because she knew she'd be joining him soon. She gave a shaky breath, and tighted her hands into fists.

"Nothing, something Clarisse said got to me- what happened to her anyway." Zpë said quickly, changing the topic. Thalia raised and eyebrow.

"She got two weeks worth of detention, and don't change the topic. I heard what she said, and none of that would normally get to you. So what happened." Thalia demanded, crossing her arms, and glaring at Zoë.

" Percy was just taken, idiot, I'm a bit sensitive that I'm the one of my old group of friends that hasn't been kidnapped/killed." Zoë snapped, lying back down and staring at the ceiling, before turning back to Thalia. "Amd besides, why do you care? I can see the slim chance of Nico maybe caring, as I was best friends with his sister, but you hate me." Thalia's cheeks flushed red, and she looked at her shoes, not meeting Zoë's eyes.

A few awkward minutes passed, then Thalia blurted out, "Annabeth told me what you said back at Percy's apartment." Thalia wrung her hands, still averting Zoë's eyes.

"And?" Zoë said, oblivious of what that had anything to do with her question.

"And you said you were going to get Percy back." Thalia stated, finally meeting Zoë's eyes, her electric blue eyes were watery, and she looked like she might burst into tears. Zoë's eyes went wide, finally realizing what Thalia meant.

"Thalia, oh Thalia." She whispered, "You know he's dead right?" She looked up and Thalia, who had a tear running down her face, Thalia sniffed.

"Yeah. But I wanna get my cousin back, and possibly murder the person who murdered him." Thalia said, sitting up straight, and sipping the tear off her face. For some reason this inspired Zoë, so she got of the bed and stood up shakily, snatching her head band off the table behind her.

"Fine, I'll fill you in on what I've managed to figure out. But first, how do you feel about a sleepover!"


Sorry this update is a bit short, because of the concussion I had to skip ahead a chapter so the balance is a bit off.

Anyways here's the tag that JAZ nominated me for:

Name: Adrienne Twila Hunter

Relationship Status: No.

Crush: No.

Height: 5'1"

Birthday: Feb. 11

Best Friend: (Wattpad) Greenninjagal and jungle321jungle (WE DA FANGIRL FATES)

Best Friend: (IRL) Fairytail_101 animalparty1804 cappuccinxs ChipotleAndSherlock (of the ones on wattpad)

Last Song I listened to: Gotta get back to hogwarts

Last time I cried: Idk

Last time I laughed: This morning

And If I mentioned you above, YOURE TAGGED.

Doesn't apply to Jaz and Sabrina :).

Btw, I've just had a few ideas:

-Why didn't Harry just say, "ACCIO Voldemorts wand" or out a body bind curse on him

- How come if they thought Leo died they didn't try to summon his spirit for one last farewell? The could have A) Used Fonzies B) Figured out he wasn't dead and then Piper would travel the world to murder him for real this time


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