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Two years after the shooting of Zoë Nightshade, late into the month of August, Thalia was drawing back the string of her bow and letting it loose with a satisfying 'thwang'. As usual the arrow flew through the air and hit the center of the bullseye.

Thalia sighed, looking up, the sky was pink, and the golden sun was setting over the horizon, the last light illuminating her target.

Notching another arrow, she drew it back, the silver feather brushing against her face. She let go, the arrow cutting through the air and implanting itself on her targer.

Thalia flinched as a hand squeezed her shoulder, "You're coming Thalia, right?" Coach Artemis said, her Auburn hair had been briaded down her back with silver, and she wore a silvery dress and tall woven sandals. Thalia turned around, latting her bow fall by her side, she looked up.

"Yeah." She saod, starig at her coach, electric blue eyes to strange silver ones. Artemis thumped her on the back,

Thalia let her bow and quiver drop to the ground, and trailed after Artemis to her car, sullen, it was, after all, technically her fault, as Thalia liked to think.

She leaned her head against the window, staring at the her reflecton, silver headband glinting in her spiky black hair.

Her hands lay on her blue chiton, under of which she wore torn black leggings-- Zoë wouldn't mind, in fact she would feel personally insulted if Thalia had cleaned herself up entirely.


Thalia was drained, and Artemis hummed as she drove the two along the highway.

The sun's golden light was beginning to lessen as the darkness devoured it and the dusk turned into a shinning purple night. The moon was half hidden behind a cloud and little silver stars dotted the sky, and the thought they brought gave a little smile on her face.

"Are you ready?" Artemis asked, twenty minutes later as they climbed out of the car, Artemis tucking her keys into her pocket, after locking the car.

Thalia bit her lip, before nodding, navigating the dark parking lot with Artemis.

"Hey." Bianca nudged her, wearing her own black dress, her own circlet sitting on top of her shoulder cut black hair. Her black eyes were glowing in the darkness like a cats. Thalia was glad to see a familar face-- Bianca was in her first year of college, and so would have Zoë, if she hadn't gone after Thalia.

"Hey." Thalia responded, holding her left arm with her right, glancing at Nico who was at Bianca's other side--forced into a suit and tie by his older sister.

"So." Bianca prompted, the heels of her boots clicking against the pavement.

"Today's the day." Nico blandly said. Thalia licked her lips, rubbing her arm.

"After two years." Artemis added, as the looming building became closer, the lights starting to light the lot in front of them.

"Yeah." Thalia said awkwardly as they walked. Bianca shoulder bumped her again, giving her a small smile.

"Don't be so glum, Thals." Thalia managed an overly cheesy smile, causing Bianca to punch her shoulder.

"Not like that." Bianca lectured, Thalia rubbing her arm, wincing.

"Zoë would have found that funny." Thalia grumbled.

"No, she would have found it idiotic." Bianca snapped.

The two stopped bickering as they approached the building, a crowd of people--all dressed up fancy like, outside.

Upon reaching them, Thalia noticed many a familar face--Percy and Annabeth were just standing there holding hands, staring at the doors.

Separating from the other three, Thalia approached a silver haired man in a deep blue suit who was holding an envelope.

"Hello." Thalia greeted, shaking the mans hand. "I've never met you before-- are you one of Zoë's relatives?" The man chuckled.

"I'm her grandfather, my name is Bob." Thalia's eyes widened, and she held up her hands in a stop everything gestire.

"As in the college Zoë was obsessed in getting a a scholarship to?"

"The very same. Zoë's has a guaranteed spot in the school, but because of her father she was determined to prove she could earn her way into the school. " Bow gestured to his papers, "If she were to attend last year then these would have been her entry pape-- Thalia, you might want to know that Mrs. Hesperiade is glaring daggers into your shoulders."

Thalia turned around, coming face to face with a haughty women, black hair spiraled up into a bun ontop of her head, woven with diamonds. Splayed around her were five striking girls dressed in black, all resembling Zoë.

"Hello Thalia." Nyx sneered, Bob slipping away behind her. "I see your here as well. My, my all the people gathered for my daughter."

"She's not your daughter." Thalia Scoffed, "And she hasn't been yours since five years ago."

"I gave birth to her, and while she may not live me, she is my kin." Nyx hissed, Thalia slid her hand in her pocket, then took it out, left covering right.

"I apologize." Thalia said, bowing her head, "And I brought something-- Zoë would have wanted you to have it." Nyx raised an eyebrow as Thalia brought her hands in front of her.

"Very well." Nyx said curtly, holding out her hands. Thalia have a smile, placing her hands on Nyx's and took the covering one off.

"Well I never!" Nyx gasped, recoiling at the sight of Thalia's middle finger.

"Piss off. Zoë wouldn't want you, or her horrific sisters here."

And with a laugh, Thalia turned on her heels, and marched away from Nyx and her daughters.

Thalia ended up, up front with Bianca and Nico, her arms folded as she waited silently with the rest of the crowd for Calypso and Tethys.

The back doors of the building burst open, as there was way too much of a crowd to allow them up front, and out they appeared.

Calypso's hair was sleek and shinny, pulled to the side over her flowing white dress, going just above her sandals. Next to her, her mother Tethys walked, her light brown hair pulled into a braid, and wore flowing blue green dress that was clasped at her waist with a silver belt.

The two had mustered smiles, and were each pushing it down the pavement. Thalia felted Bianca squeeze her hand, and she looked over and the girl bore a huge smile, and Thalia felt one appear on her face as Tethys and Calypso passed them, the latter giving them a wink.

For sitting in the chair, managing to sit up straight, wearing a loose gray shirt and sweat pants, hair freshly grown to just past her shoulders, black eyes tired, and bandages finally gone from around her head and stomach, was Zoë Nightshade.



I bet you weren't expecting that!

Well, originally she was going to stay dead, but because the ambulance had just arrived int wh end of the last chapter, and because her heart stopped, and she still lose all her blood, I figured that she could be in critical for a while then eventually get stable in two years.

Anyways, that's a wrap.


Magic always comes with a price.

An AU where the characters of PJO and HOO are wizards and have to deal with the costs magic.

Might I mention that Percy talks to the giant squid.

Any ways it's up so READ IT!

I hope you liked the wrap on this story


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