Chapter 11- more flashbacks but luke

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Me and Luke.

My bestest friend.

My first boyfriend.

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.

Luke and I were walking in to the arena to see the biggest boy band in the world play, One Direction.

I love this boy so much, I can't believe he brought me here to see them. I just, I can' t..AHHHHHHH

This is the best surprise birthday ever omg omg omg I can't believe it.

*after the concert*

"Luke oh my god thank you so much for taking me here, you are the legit best." I say with a kiss and a hug.

"Hahhah baby, you're very welcome. But I uh got to tell you something..."

"What is it babe?"

"I'm moving back to Australia..."

~end of flashback~

"The only reason why we ever broke up was because we would never see each other and I'm an extremely touchy feely person so we both decided that we would take a break and explore our own worlds." I said to the group.

"Yeah, but always best friends no matter what happens, even a little distance and not talking everyday" Luke said.

"Boys, I know we were going to discuss tour stuff with Michelle, but it looks like the two best friends have some catching up to do" Says Liam (THANK YOU FOR READING MY MIND).

"Uh well actually I had an announcement to make..." Zayn said .

"Well DJ Malik what is it?" Said Louis all weirdly but cutely

"I'm just not feeling it anymore lads, this group, this lifestyle, it's just too much for me now. I love you all and I love singing, I just can't do this touring and stuff all the time anymore. I hope you guys understand, I'm sorry" Zayn then runs to the door and flees and is more than likely going to Perrie.

"What the hell was that"said Ashton

"I think our dearest friend Zayn, just left the band known as One Direction" I said.

"Michelle, me Liam Harry and Louis will go talk about this, you and luke just have fun okay?"

"Yeah yeah okay Niall, I'll with yall back at the flat"


"So Luke, tell how you have been"

"Welllllllllll, you know how I was uploading those videos of me singing? Welllllllllll, after we got our band together Louis saw one of our videos and yeah you know it from there."


"Puberty is a magical thing hahhahaha"



"Can you tell me about you and Tommo?"

"Long story short they went in the Starbucks I work at and then I saw them do vampirey things in an alley, I almost fainted, Louis caught me, and yeah haha I really really really like him, maybe love him. But I don't know why. TELL ME WHY"

"Chelle, you love Louis because you two are linked soulfully, you two are soul mates and were destined from the start to love each other and always have a burning love that will burn forever."

"Does that mean, we were never meant to be?"

"We came along the way so you can experience what might happen in the future. You're my best friend, nothing will change that, mainly because I'm forever youthful and soon you will be too, but also because THIS is what we are meant to be. I was meant to be your rock and your meant to be my roll. Okay?"

"Okay Lukey" I said with a large smile.


I'm so sorry for all of you that have waited and waited and I finally updated now since school is almost over ah im sorry.


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