The Next Quest

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On the way back to Riverwood, you recieved another update notice:

New Update has arrived!

In this update, you can now fast travel by verbally issuing one of two commands; "Fast Travel to: (area name) or Teleport (area name).

New weapon and armor sets have been added into the game:

Dragonbone armor and weapons.
Dragonscale armor and weapons.
Vampire armor.

You can now get re-married, or married to more than one individual, if that's what you're into.
Pickpocketing individuals is now slightly easier.

"Huh... that's good to know." You said casually.

"Very. It would be easier than having to enter the map everytime you want to fast travel." Lisbeth replied, only to see that you grew a downcast look.

"What's wrong?" She asked nervously.

"I just feel partially responsible. I worked on this game, and now it's lead to over eight thousand deaths already..." You replied cautiously.

"You had no way of knowing-"

"It's also about those two players..." You cut her off.

"What players?" Kirito asked seriously.

"Back when I practically drowned, that same player and a friend of hers tracked me down, and I was left with little choice but to end them." You said seriously.

"You mean-"

"I killed them! I killed two of the players! Now they're dead and I'm left with the guilt!" You cut Asuna off next.

"You had no choice, it wasn't your fault. Kirito also had to kill in SAO, and it's not an easy thing to do, but sometimes it has to be done." Asuna replied with understanding.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm going to teleport to Riverwood to save time and get this quest over and done with." You spoke back, trying to suppress that memory again.

"Teleport; Riverwood!" You commanded, and it worked.

Before long, the others had also teleported to the town, and everyone headed into the inn, once again.

"We're here. Now, where's the horn and our answers?" You asked seriously.

Delphine handed you the horn in silence as she read a report from an informant.

"As you know, I am Delphine. I worked for the Blades, a group of elite dragon hunters who disbanded not too long ago. I just recieved word that the Thalmor Embassy may be involved with the dragons returning. I need someone to enter a private party and investigate, find any proof or the Thalmors involvement." She said sternly.

"I'll go." You said seriously.

"Us too." Asuna jumped in confidently.

"We can only afford to sneak one person through, though the rest of you could pose as guests, and distract the Thalmor while he looks for clues." Delphine replied seriously.

"Great. Where do we begin?" Asuna asked seriously.

"You can start by going to my double agent in Solitude. Hand him anything which you want smuggled into the embassy, and leave anything else behind." Delphine replied confidently as she handed everyone party clothes.

"Okay. We'll head there shortly." You replied sternly.

"Great. Once you all are done, meet me near Katla's farm outside of Solitude." Delphine replied, then you walked out of the inn with the others, fast travelling to your respective homes and placing everything you don't need into chests, as well as Lisbeth, who you allowed access to the safe in the corner of the room.

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