Chapter 13: Honeymoon Surprise

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Our honeymoon was amazing, and I'll admit, some stuff did happen. Some 18+ stuff. Some very very very NSFW stuff.

We fucked, alright?

It's been a few months after the honeymoon, and I was at the doctor's office with Jade. They had just confirmed that I was pregnant.

"Oh my god." I gasped.

"You're not far enough along to tell the gender, but considering the genetics of both you and your husband, your baby is most likely gonna be a girl. During your next appointment, we will definitely have a good chance of telling the gender."

So we scheduled the next appointment and Jade and I went home, Andre was at home with the dogs, making sure none of them got into trouble, which was fairly common considering that Artemis is gonna be HUGE in the next few years.

Once he saw me walk in, and we locked eyes, he knew.

"Are you-"


He ran towards me and gently embraced me, "My baby's pregnant!"

I giggled, "I scheduled the next appointment if you want to find out if we're having a girl or a boy?"

"I'd love to!"

"I call godmother!" Jade smirked.

"You were already first pick." Andre smiled as he kissed my forehead.


During the next appointment, we watched as the doctor examined the screen during my ultrasound. Andre grabbed my hand as the doctor announced that we'll be having a girl.

We were so excited when we left, we immediately started planning a baby shower.


I was in my third trimester, taking this pregnancy really easy. My stomach got so big after I hit six months. The baby was due in a few days, so we drove up to the hospital to start getting ready for the birth. I had opted for a C-Section since I had a low pain tolerance.

After a very long C-Section, our baby girl was born. Perfectly healthy! Andre wanted to name her, so her name became Calliope. She was beautiful, she had Andre's eyes and nose.

"Our little angel." Andre whispered, kissing the new babe's forehead.

I smiled at my two loves, I was so very happy.


Bringing Calliope home was the most relieving thing I had ever had happen. The dogs went crazy when we walked in the door, but Andre kept them away as I took her up to her room.

"Andre, can you bring Athena up here?" I called.

"Yeah, gimme a sec."

Soon enough, my big, dorky Shepard was in the room, sniffing around. I was with Calliope in the rocking chair. Athena saw us and slowly approached, carefully sniffing the small human.

"That's your new sister." I whispered to Athena, "Protect her like she is Artemis and Hades."

Athena whined softly and licked Calliope's forehead, causing Andre and I to giggle at our Shepard.

"C'mere Theeny!" Andre called, Athena bounding over to him after he called her by her nickname.


Slowly, we introduced the dogs to Calliope as the days went on. When she turned a year old, we had the dogs in the living room as we brought her down. She was already crawling, she looked more and more like the perfect blend between Andre and I.

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