Classic 4: Kirby Meets John Cena - (Single)

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Original Writing Date: July 10-11 2016 (Wattpad post date; can't find original file)

Original Wattpad Book: "Kirby Meets John Cena"; 2016

Original Wattpad Book: "Kirby Meets John Cena"; 2016

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ebearskittychan Yes, I am following through with this lol. I hope your brother enjoys it!

(Sorry for the tag - just trying to clean up and organize my old Kirby stuff. But I did tag you just in case you wanted to read this again lol)

It was a quiet, early morning in Dreamland. The birds chirped as they awoke and the sun began to emerge from under the hilltop. The clouds were illuminated by the sun's early rays against the brightening sky. It truly was a sight to see.

On this crisp, early morning, Kirby had awoken early from his usual sleeping spot in the tree next to his house. The puffball stretched, seeing that it was still early. Well then. The pinky sat back down, looking at the sky. What was there to do so early?

He would have gone and bugged his mentor, Meta Knight, but was weary due to what had happened last time when he woke the Knight up early...

"¡Mi habitacion!" Meta Knight had yelled as he chased Kirby out of his room.

Kirby whined, still feeling the sting from where Meta Knight had stabbed him several times. Not fun.

Well, seeing as it was still early, Kirby decided that he'd go for a little walk around Cappy Town.

The puffball hummed quietly to himself as he walked along the quiet streets of Cappy Town. A few random Cappies were up early and were just doing...whatever Cappies do.

Kirby thought he heard a faint pounding sound in the distance, but quickly dismissed it. It was far too early in the morning for someone to try taking over Dreamland...unless it was Meta Knight with his Halberd again...Hah, that ship always failed.

Kirby snapped out of his thoughts when he almost fell right through a manhole into the sewers below. That...would not have been fun. Maneuvering around the manhole, the puffball continued with his stroll.

As he walked by a brick wall, the pounding sound become more evident. Kirby paused in his walking to stare at the brick wall as the pounding sound began to rapidly increase in volume. The pinky tilted his head at the wall. "What in the poyo?"


Kirby shrieked in surprise, flattening himself to the ground as he covered where his ears would be...if he, you know, had any. The brick wall was shattered as someone burst through it, the music continuing to blare.


Kirby, still flattened to the ground, looked up at the person. "Who...who ARE you?!"

The person looked down at Kirby. He had tough looking biceps and nice abs. "Didn't you hear my theme song?" He asked. "My name is..." he gestured with his hand, and the music blared "JOOOOOHN CENAAAAA!" right on key.

Kirby winced at the loud sound. Seeing that the music was too loud for the puffball, John Cena took out a remote and pressed a button, causing the music to stop as suddenly as it began.

Kirby slowly stood up, then tilted his head at John Cena. "So uh...John Cena...what are you doing here?"

John Cena just shrugged. "There's only so many people to wrestle on Earth. I need some new opponents, y'know?"

Kirby seemed confused. "Wrestling?"

John Cena stared at Kirby. "You don't know what wrestling is?!"

The puffball just shook his head.

John Cena huffed, then said, "Wrestling is a combat sport involving grappling type techniques such as clinch fighting, throws and takedowns, joint locks, pins and other grappling holds. The sport can either be theatrical for entertainment, or genuinely competitive. A wrestling bout is a physical competition, between two (occasionally more) competitors or sparring partners, who attempt to gain and maintain a superior position. There are a wide range of styles with varying rules with both traditional historic and modern styles. Wrestling techniques have been incorporated into other martial arts as well as military hand-to-hand combat systems. The term wrestling is attested in late Old English, as wræstlunge (glossing palestram)."

"Ugh..." Kirby groaned, shaking his head. "You sound like Meta Knight..."

John Cena just tilted his head. "Oh, well I'll make it simple. You basically just try to pin the other person down."

"You could've just said that the first time..." Kirby mumbled, rubbing his head as he rolled into a sitting position.

"So...wanna wrestle?"

"Wha—" Kirby didn't get to finish his question, as he suddenly found himself pinned to the ground. "LET ME GO BEFORE I GET KNI-KNI TO STAB YOU 37 TIMES IN THE CHEST AND GET DEDEDERP TO SQUASH YOU WITH HIS HAMMER POYO POYO POYO!!" Kirby screeched, squirming wildly from where he was pinned.

"Stabbing? Hammers?" John Cena asked, still pinning the puffball without much effort. "You don't use that stuff in wrestling! Nothing but your bare hands."

"Who said anything about wrestling?" Kirby asked, confusedly looking up at John Cena.

The wrestler gave a small sigh before starting, loosening his grip on Kirby. "Wrestling is a combat sport involving grappling type techniques such as—"

"NO MORE LECTURES POYO POYO POYO POYO!" Kirby screeched, prying himself from John Cena's grip and crawling over to the safety of a tree, climbing it like a squirrel and sitting at the very top.

John Cena stared at the puffball for a moment, then turned around with a shrug. "Well, I'll just go find someone else to wrestle, then..."

"Okay!" Kirby chirped, smiling. "Have fun getting squished and stabbed!" He picked an apple off of the tree and began eating it as he watched John Cena run off. "I'll never understand those humans, poyo..." the puffball mumbled to himself.

To be continued whenever the author isn't lazy

Spoiler: it never was.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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