Drabble One 》 Sasha / Omna

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Drabble One 》 Sasha / Omna






"Stop calling me by other versions of my name, O Man."

"Gasp, you did not just say that, boy. Not to me." 

Omna gave Sasha a raised brow from across the kitchen island. The cheeky boy actually gave her a challenging one back! Omna folded her arms, not taking the bait.

"And what is the pretty little O man going to do about it?" Sasha knew he was treading on hot water but he only did it cause he liked the punishment. Ah, the naughty teen.

Omna just stared at him, cool and collected; calculating also. Every fibre of his being tense and ready to run for it, Sasha wasn't going to submit without a chase. Sure every fibre of his body was crying out for him to not get it punished too but that was just a contradictory action really, of sorts.

"Nothing much." Omna leant aginst the island, steepling her fingers together leisurely and settling her gaze heavily on the man in front of the stove. A bait. Sasha was supposed to be cooking before all this started and now the boiling food in the pan lay forgotten as his light green eyes got hooked to that intense gaze. He was caught hook, line, and sinker.

Omna smirked.

"Except my naughty little boy thinks he can escape my affectionate nicknames." She rested her chin on her fingers, speaking in a contemplative voice, cool and with the promise of raw punishment. Sasha shivered, his will to run and be chased before ever relenting on his own chosen nickname vanishing in spades. "What do you suggest I do with such a naughty boy?" 

Sasha gulped, Adam's apple bobbing pronouncedly, dropping the wooden spoon, and bolting.

The girl dragon however was ready and the bird wouldn't be able to fly all that far. Never mind that it didn't really want to anyways. Details details.

The two would have been as kids chasing each other in a glorious game of tag. However, the thick tension coiling like a giant anaconda in the air couldn't be mistaken for anything but what it was.  Okay, maybe the author is exaggerating, but Sasha knew he was in a worldful of trouble but being the masochist that he was he didn't mind. 

Not when Omna caught up to him. Nor when she tackled him. Nor when they flew onto the plush fur carpet missing a hard chair's back entirely by luck.


Somehow Sasha managed to end up as the one on top. For a second both stopped to get their bearings, Sasha looking down to enjoy his ultra rare victory, not that he liked where he was viewing it from, but still rare nonetheless.

The bird had won!

"You were saying?"

With a growl, Omna turned the tables, straddling him. The fierce girl made short work of doing a floor kabedon on him with his arms trapped to the sides of his head as well. Sasha wasn't exactly surprised but his emerald eyes showed a glimpse of it before he blinked.

Giving up power like this, laying prone like this, being dominated like this.
He lived for this. Of course it was still embarrassing.

Omna grinned.

Her naughty boy couldn't hide the ruddy blush rising to his cheeks and threatening to take over his whole countenance, overriding that beautiful tan to his rosy Italian skin. Spilling onto the carpet like a pillow fanned out below him was wavy dyed hair of pink with a gradient of blue; his latest makeover. And those eyes, ever so bold and insolently mischievous.

"Don't get cocky now, boy." Omna growled, though she was grinning. She had the upper hand now and was ready to dole out punishments.

"Is that the best you can do, O man?"

Omna's eye twitched. Then she just smirked, slow and deliberate. Sasha tensed, that wasn't the reaction he was expecting at this point. At all.

"Oh, my Sashe, you have no idea." She leant down in his face, glaring but making it look like a playful narrowing of the eyes. Challenging.

Sasha sputtered, face blazing a fiery red now.

"I - I'm not yours! And don't call me that!" He lightly tested his restraints but Omna's hands didn't give way on their holds. He averted his eyes, suddenly shy whenever Omna actually vocalized anything of what their relationship was.

"Ah, careful, Saza, your tsundere side is showing." Omna chuckled.

"N - No, it's not, dummy… O Man."

"You're not gonna stop calling me that, are you?" 

"No.. not until you stop calling me by other variations of my name." He mumbled, knowing damn well what he was asking for when he said that.

"Oh, really?" Omna gave him a feigned surprised look before it melted into a cool icy smirk. "Well, don't say I didn't warn you, you naughty boy."

When Omna produced the long thick whip, Sasha saw his life flash before his eyes. This was a new one! Ouch but oh well he was a masochist after all. And she was his dominatrix after all. So…

Unbeknownst to the two, the pan was boiling over and soon a stench of burnt food will envelope the house. Yet, for now a naughty boy is being disciplined by his master. As should be, don't you agree?

So, you guys have met Sasha, I see. What do you think of him?
I'm something of a sadist myself so Omna in this relationship really appeals to me, but I will keep it tame since this isn't R - 18. It's just for fun and SFW moments.
Hope you enjoyed.
Peace out.

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