Chapter Six

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A/N: I was gonna save this for the weekend but... I couldn't resist an upload :3 Enjoy! Vote, comment, and fan! Tell mehow I'm doing and such! And thanks to all of you who have commented! You make me feel loved <3


"Come Florence," Madame Giry said, shooing the child from her lap as she stood, "Your father will be expecting you soon."

"Yes, Madame Giry," Florence said, following close behind the woman as she made her way to exit the auditorium. She looked back round to say, "Goodbye Meg!" Then she was rushed from the room, leaving the Messieurs and Meg behind. Madame Giry took hold of Florence's shoulder and led her through the corridors.

"Now, Florence," she began, knowing the girl needed some scolding for what she had done, bursting into the auditions earlier, "you do know what you did earlier was very dangerous, don't you? You cannot just go running about, child."

"I just wanted to hear the singing," Florence mumbled in response, knowing Madame Giry was indeed right. Even her father told her running off was dangerous. "I'm sorry," she finally sighed, "I should not have run off, I-"

"It is alright, my child," a deep voice rang from the shadows cast by the large grand stair case. A deep voice that made the chastised child smile.

"Papa!" she called happily. Madame Giry lifted her hand from Florence just in time for her to follow her father's voice into the shadows. Erik did not appear to Madame Giry, nor did he or Florence speak another word for both had escaped into the darkness as the phantoms they were.

Madame Giry waited only a moment before turning and departing, on her way back to her own room. That was the last she was to see of Florence or her father for some weeks, as Erik knew that after the incident of Florence being seen on such a low crowd day, the threat of her being seen once more was ever growing as the Opera Populaire prepared for its first show since it had closed down years ago. Besides, both the Giry's were busy- Meg practicing for her big debut, and Madame Giry training new ballerinas- and so there were none at hand to watch little Florence. And so the child and her father eagerly awaited the show day, the day Erik promised he would show Florence to his box so they may together watch Meg sing.

"She is such a lovely singer, Papa," Florence would tell her father whenever he mentioned Meg, "I wish I had a voice as wonderful as hers!"

"Oh, you will," Erik would reply, with a smile, "I, myself, will train you." Then he would frown a bit, thinking of how his daughter would never be able to use her talent for the opera. But still, he would then ask his little darling to sing and she would, now knowing a song. The one Meg had sang for her audition; the one her mother had sang during her first appearance. The beautiful song would almost bring Erik to tears...

~de Changy Manor~~~~~

"Raoul!" Christine called through the house, seeking her husband, "Oh, Raoul, where are you!"

"In here, my dear," Raoul responded from where he sat in the study. Looking up from the newspaper he had been reading, Raoul saw his lovely wife standing in the doorway, grinning. In her hand she waved about an envelope.

"I have received a letter! One from Meg Giry, the darling girl!" Christine informed her husband, "She has invited us to come see her perform at the Opera Populaire! She is the lead, Raoul! Little Meg Giry, my dear friend! We must go!" Raoul was quite alarmed. Never did he think he would hear Christine ask to go back to the opera house... Never..

"But, dear," Raoul started, "what about the Phantom? Those haunting memories? Do you really want to go back to that wretched place?" Of course, Christine thought the Phantom dead. But either way, her face paled a bit and her expression dropped. Her hand, stroked her stomach lightly and Raoul knew he had stirred memories of her child; her first and only child. Little Florence, who had died in the bitter cold of the winter- or so Christine thought. Since the little girl, Christine had only had one child. It was a little boy. A still born child.

(BEING REWRITTEN) An Opera Ghost- A Phantom of the Opera Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now