The Extinction Machines Pt. 1

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Y/N: I need intel.

Cassie: The Russians were, less than warm with their welcome.

You could hear the gunfire in the background.

Y/N: Well, good luck with that.

The ground began to shake again which caused you to grip the wheel of the batmobile tighter. Those were the small ones going on in Gotham. The worse was in other major cities. Reports had came in that earthquakes were happening all around the world. Many cities suffered catastrophic damages and a rising death toll. It was immediately labeled as an extinction level threat.

The JL was all over trying to help. Conner had even asked for Lois' help in evacuation.

Jessica: I never thought things would would be like this, Kyle. It's like we're seeing the end of the world. I don't know if we can do this.

Kyle: You can't worry now, Jessica. There are millions of lives at stake here.

The two contiued to create energy constructs on the shaking buildings to hold them up the best they could.

Kyle: We're Green Lanterns. Now, we're members of the Justice Leauge. It's our job.

Jessica: Don't get too cocky now. This is far from over.

The two flew up and looked at their work. Everything was holding.

Jessica: Looks stable. Think this will hold?

Kyle: It'll have to do. Arrow? Kyle. Beijing is secured, for now. What's next?
New York.

Artemis: Arrow here. Good work Lanterns. We have so much information coming in on every intelligence system. Flash is taking care of the west, no word from Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Batman are communicating with each other, and everyone else is doing their best. I need you guys in Hong Kong.

Kyle: Consider it done. We're on our way.

Jessica: What if we can't handle it? I mean, holding cities together? This is global. We're just two people. Lanterns or otherwise.

Kyle: And we're the Justice Leauge. We have to try.

Artemis smiled. Looks like things were finally starting to look like the old Leauge. Artemis shot off another arrow which exploded and created a large hole to the surface. Everyone trapped in the subway began to make their way out as Artemis scanned the alerts on her contact lens. You had given her one since she was practically helping you with intel.

Artemis: Okay. Two hundred kids trapped in a school over on the east side. Heading there next.
San Francisco.

Bart: Arrow, this is Flash. Northern California is secured.

He looked around before he noticed a woman rushing towards him.

Bart: Hold on.

He then turned to the woman.

Woman: My daughter...Jenny? Did you see her?

Bart: Where was she last?

The woman pointed at a building down the street.

Woman: There. We were there.

Bart: Then I'll be right back.

He took off but the force caused the woman to drop her bottle of water. Before it could hit the ground, Bart caught it with one hand while the other held a young girl who looked very confused.

Bart: All safe. Not a scratch on her.

Woman: Jenny! Oh my god!

She held her daughter while Bart got a new report.

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