Man's Best Friend

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You were with Cassandra when Jim sent out a signal for you to come check something out. You were both standing over a horrible sight that made your stomach turn.

In a crater were two dead dogs, and one alive one who looked absolutely feral. It wore a yellow costume with a black Ace on it's head. It was growling at you with foam coming from it's mouth.

Jim: Neighbors called 911 about the screams. Probably Joker got tired of the joke. Stopped feeding them, left them in a ditch. Hungry dog did what a hu guy dogs does. Either that, or....this was the joke. Aces High. Ha. Ha. Ha. Makes me sick.

You looked at Cassandra who never took her eyes off of the animal. You placed a hand on her shoulder. You knew what she was thinking. An animal raised for the purpose of killing others. Yeah. You got it.
Man: Man, c'mon, I can't. This isn't about, like, money.

Cassandra and Alfred had stopped by the pound where Cassandra learned the dog had been sent to. She stood behind Alfred as he talked business with the young man who was in charge.

Man: What that dog's been through. She's not fit, alright? She isn't fir for anything but dying.

Alfred: Sir, if you please, after you cash this check, you shall rechristen this facility the "Martha and Thomas Wayne Humaine Society".

He handed the check over to the man who slowly took it.

Alfred: That's Martha. Not Marsha.

Man: I'm telling you, I can't....

The man then looked at the amount of money on the check.

Man: Oh. Oh. Okay. Martha.

Alfred: Indeed.

Needless to say, Cassandra and Alfred walked out of that shelter with the female dog. Alfred watched as Cassandra struggled to keep it walking straight. This was going to take a while.
Y/N: Cassandra?

No answer.

Y/N: Hel?

No answer.

Y/N: Is anyone here?!

Cassandra walked into the living room where she watched you point at the island.

Y/N: What the hell is this?

Cassandra looked at the dog who was standing on the counter and eating the box of Fruity Pebbles Hel had bought last week. Hel entered the room to and screamed at the sight of the animal.

Cassandra: It is a dog. Her name is Ace.

Hel: It looks feral!

Y/N: It is! Is this the same dog we found at the fighting ring?!

Cassandra: Yes.

Y/N: Why is it here?!

Cassandra: I adopted it.

Hel/Y/N: Why?!

Cassandra: Because I like it.

You looked at the dog which growled at you.

Y/N:'re lucky I love her.
Cassandra watched as the dog bit down on the padding on Alfred's arm before pushing him to the ground. You sat at the batcomputer as you thought aloud.

Y/N: The feather found at the bank. It's traceable to eudyptes chrysocome, or the southern rockhopper penguin. A species Cobblepot has been featuring in his exhibit.

Cassandra whistled and the dog let go of Alfred. Alfred got up and prepared himself again before the dog leaped at him again.
Y/N: A dual hostage taking at the two-by-two dance studio's biannual charity ball? It seems too obvious.

Cassandra sprayed Ace with the hose Alfred had given her. The dog growled the entire time but it never snapped at Cassandra. She felt every scar on the dog's skin as she washed her.
Y/N: Fucking Kite Man.

Cassandra threw the tennis ball and Ace chased after it. It bounced off the wall and back to Cassandra which caused Ace to quickly turn around and wait for her to throw it again. She did, and the same thing happened. You watched them from the corner of your eye.
Y/N: What has no beginning, end, or middle? A doughnut, of course. But why a doughnut?

Hel slowly tried to touch the dog and this time, she didn't try to bite her. Cassandra smiled as Hel contiued to pet Ace.
Y/N: I know you love this dog, Killer, but do you seriously think we need a dog right now? Especially one that the Joker broke?

Cassandra looked at you with an unamused look.

Cassandra: She stays.

Y/N: She would be better off at the manor. Damien loves animals.

Cassandra turned off the bathroom light and walked over to the bed. She got into the bed on her side and looked at you.

Cassandra: She stays.

Y/N: Cassandra, you and me both know better than everyone, not all wounds heal with time. She's a dog. An animal. One that was trained to kill.

Cassandra leaned closer to you and looked you in the eye.

Cassandra: She stays.

She turned off the lamp and laid down with her back to you. You looked over to the door to see Ace laying there.
You groaned as you landed on the balcony. Cassandra and Hel would still be out on patrol which meant you were on your own. You opened the door and closed it behind you before leaping over to the mini batcave.

You sat down and looked at your shoulder. You reached up and grabbed a hold of the knife that was stabbed into your arm. You pulled it out with a grunt before you dropped it to the ground.

You let out a sigh before you heard a whine. You looked down to see Ace sitting there looking at you. The whining grew worse as she nudged your arm.

Y/N: It's okay, girl. I'm fine. I'm fine.

You reached out your hand and petted the dog.

Y/N: I'm okay. Thank you.

You rubbed the dog's head. The entire time you stiched your arm up, Ace stayed by your side.

When Cassandra came home, she found you both asleep in your bed.
You sat on the couch with Hel. Cassandra watched as you and Hel pulled on a black mask over Ace's head. The dog seemed very happy.

Y/N: There you go! Do you want to be Bat-Hound? Yesh you do. Yesh you do.

Hel and you played with the dog while Cassandra smiled. Hel ruffled Ace's ears while Ace's tail swung back and forth. You looked up at Cassandra and smiled.

Y/N: She stays.

Cassandra nodded.

Cassandra: She stays.

Legacy: Justice Leauge (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now