Part 4: The Start of the Hangout.

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Trigger warning.

Midoriya's POV:

I walked to class that day wondering if he was going to kill me.  I was quite excited, actually that it would be over.  I was wondering why he was angry at...

Almost everyone noticed how much more hyper and psyched he was but Deku didn't notice that.  Later, after school.

I was getting prepared to go over to Kacchan's dorm.  I grabbed my backpack and put my red converse and black ankle-high socks on.  I then walked over to the door.  I then put my hand on the slightly warm handle of the door then turning it.  I walked out and instantly turned to go to Kacchan's dorm since it was right by mine.  I raised my hand to knock but before I could hit the door-

"Deku, come in,"  Kacchan said fairly calm which confirmed that he was gonna kill me.  I stepped in after hesitating for a second.  Once I was in he shut the door and looked at me with a new look- it was really hard to read.  I was confused I tilted my head as Bakugou raised his hand.  I understood what he was doing and closed my eyes prepared for the impact but what I got was different. He's hugging me!? I thought he was gonna kill me...

"You thought that I was gonna punch you?  You looked like you were just gonna sit there and take it... why?"

"I-I came here because I th-thought that you w-would k-k-kill me..." I said but I thought I said it in my head.  Kacchan heard.

"WHAT!? NERD!?" He acted as if it were a surprise to him.  Was he really not planning on killing me?  I was really disappointed I slumped over.  He noticed that too, "Di-Did you really want to die?  Were you expecting me too-?"  He seemed concerned- yes concerned I finally figured it out.  I had to tell him though... the truth of course. "Y-yeah,"  I idiotically stuttered.

"I- I was- I thought..." Now he was the one stuttering then I just remembered he was hugging me and since this would have been mutual this time I hugged him so I hugged back.  I felt water on my shoulder-was he crying!?  I was starting to question whether or not I should tell him now...  I decided to go for it and to wait a while until he stops crying.  "What's wrong?" I said as calmly as I could since I, too, was near tears but didn't want to make it a (not speaking)"sob story for Deku" day.

"You are joking about wanting to die... right?"  I didn't respond.  "Right!?" More concern slipping into his voice.

"I am sorry... no..."

"It's my fault isn't it?" Kacchan asked

"W-what no!  I mean partly yours, Hitsashi's, the other bullies, the teachers at our old school, and some other reasons I'd rather not say."

"Who's Hisashi?"

"My 'father'... I'll tell you more later..."

Kacchan tilted his head "Why is he on the list again?"

"Why are you trying to make something about you about me?"

"Because you are involved with me and the same as to you."

I was starting to cry so I tightened my grip on him as well.  He felt it I could tell. We stayed like that for a little while before Kacchan let go.

"Let's stop hugging and play X-box,"  Kacchan said rather nicely like a suggestion which was quite surprising.  This whole this is... I honestly don't know how to describe it.  It made me happy though.  I walked over to his bed and sat down.  Kacchan gave me the remote.  There was only one.  I tilted my head to the side.

BUM BUM BUUUUMMMMM!!!!~~~ Oh whatever will they do about the one remote predicament????? I'm sorry if this is too short again I tried to make it longer and failed miserably.  We have 713 words.  Hoped you liked it and I will upload the next one soon.  BTW let me know what I should critique/work on along with what you liked and or any suggestions for further along in the story!  Have a wonderful rest of your day/night/morning wherever you are and whatever time it is thank you for taking some to read this! <3 <3 <3 <3

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