Part 6: It is now my job to make you smile...a REAL smile

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Trigger warning and words I really kinda (100 %) regret putting...

3rd person's POV:

Deku tried to move but Bakugou would have woken up and Izuku didn't want that so he just stayed there until Bakugou woke up.  Deku felt his face burning with flusterdness (is that a word???)

Time skip brought to you buy by a flustered Izuwu.

Bakugou woke up and was extremely tired when he saw that he was practically laying on Deku he moved out of the way, "Sorry, nerd."  Bakugou said.  Deku sat upon Bakugou's bed.  He tilted his head then made an 'o' shape with his mouth like he does when he is confused."It's fine, Kacchan." Deku smiled a fake, forced smile.

Bakugou then sat up and looked at Deku analyzing his features, "Why do you keep forcing yourself to smile?"

"I do not know what you are talking about."

"Yes, you do.  I know that you have depression and anxiety but you shouldn't fake a smile.  Everyone would want to know how you are doing.  It isn't healthy to do that."

"It also isn't healthy to cut yourself, forced to starve yourself to the point where you can barely eat, I am quite positive it is not healthy to get raped."

He just said that as if this is a normal thing... did he just confess to cutting he REALLY okay when he says he is.  Has he EVER been okay? This time it was Bakugou's turn to be overthinking.  He quickly snapped out of it though.

"Plus, if I tell anyone I will just be a nuisance, another problem everyone has to worry about. People should be focusing on their studies not whether or not someone in their class is suicidal.  Especially if that person is a lowlife, shitty, useless, weak-"

"You are none of those things you precious son of a bitch!  You are cute, caring, nice, kind, cute...did I already say that? Anyways... you are-"

"I'm an Ugly"

"Polite" Bakugou interrupted

"Faggot" Deku finished

Bakugou was surprised at how much he is swearing especially that he called himself that.  "Who called you that!?" It was more or less a question.  It was pretty close to a demand for Deku to tell him. Is he gay? That means I have a chance with him!  Maybe not though since I did bully him, who knows!  I should just focus on listening and figure out who I need to kill! Bakugou thought.

"Xander (one of his childhood bullies just pretend that that is true) My 'father' and some other people!" Deku said kinda fast.

".......Do you know any of those 'other people's' names?"


"Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"My cousin, Tenko is missing, he has been for years... and I've been looking for him for a while."

"What does he look like?"

"Blue hair, red eyes, kinda tall, wants to become a h-hero but those dreams were crushed, usually wears bl-black and whit- SHIGARAKI!"

"What about him?"

"I have been describing Shiggaraki!  He is my cousin!"

"How are you supposed to tell him?"

".....I don't know......"

"I'll help you!"

"Are you sure?"


"That breaks bones," Deku complained.

Bakugou laughed at Deku's comment.

It is MY job to make you smile..... a REAL smile and if that means kidnaping a villain to tell him that he is that nerd's cousin, so be it!  Bakugou thought.

568 words only... I am so sorry it is REALLY short I am struggling to think... I hope you have a good day/night/whatever!  Stay safe!  Thank you for reading this! <3

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