Chapter 5

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Howzer was the first to make a move, "I'll blow you away quickly! I promise it won't hurt much!" He exclaimed reeling his hand back and swung forwards.

Brooke ducked down and dodged the attack with ease, once she was low to the ground she kicked her leg out and tripped him, "This match will be ending quickly alright, but I don't think it'll end the way you expect." Straightening up, she jumped away from him as he pushed himself back up into a standing position.

Without giving him a chance to recover, she ran forwards and punched him right in the gut, sending him sliding towards the edge, though at the edge of the ring he was able to stop himself from flying off. He regained his footing and ran towards Brooke. Once he got close to her he sent an attack towards her chin, though Brooke just stepped back and tilted her head upwards, dodging the attack with ease.

"Look, if you're going to win you're going to have to go all out." Brooke said. "At this rate you have no chance of moving onto the next round."

Howzer gritted his teeth, "I really hate using this on civilians but since I can't get a hit in I think I might have to resort to this."

Brooke perked up and watched as the dust from the cracked ring rose up and started to surround his fist, being carried by the wind. "Let's dance!"

Brooke grinned, "That's more like it."

Howzer punched his fists forwards, and a tornado was sent flying towards Brooke, who jumped away from the whirling winds with ease. "Damn, those are pretty powerful. One hit and this round is over." She landed not to far away from her original spot, only to have to jump away from a second tornado that was sent just after the first one.

"I'm glad you get what you're up against!" Howzer exclaimed running towards her and punching more whirlwinds straight towards Brooke, who was jumping away from each of the attacks as they got close.

Brooke was soon standing on the edge of the ring, and Howzer was slowly approaching her, a grin on his face. "Looks like this is the end of the line for you! Rising Tornado!"

He sent a tornado heading straight towards her, and Brooke watched as it got closer, and close, and closer, until it was close enough that her hair was flying in the air from the wind. Everyone watched as it got just a few millimeters away and then... it vanished. The wind dispersed and the dirt that had been kicked up slowly drifted back towards the ground, revealing Brooke standing right where she had been, untouched by the attack.

Howzer took a step back, a look of pure shock on his face, "What... what just happened? How're you still standing there?"

"Your magic's strong, I'll give you that. But you must have poor luck since you got paired up with me." She crossed her arms in front of her chest and wind rose up in tornados almost identical to the ones Howzer made yet much, much more powerful.

"Woah! Hold onto your hats everyone! If you're not careful they'll be sucked right up!" Love Helm shouted as he clutched onto the podium for dear life.

"It's game over for you." Brooke sliced her hands outwards and the two tornados sprung forwards, closing in on Howzer. He tried to get away, but the moment his feet left the ground the force from the tornados slowly pulled him in, and soon he was sent flying out of the ring, leaving Brooke alone in the ring.

"It looks like this festival is full of surprises! Brooke is the winner!" Love Helm shouted, and the crowd cheered as Brooke walked off the stage, meeting up with Aarona and the sins.

"Next up is the last match of the round!" Love Helm exclaimed once the crowd's cheers slowly died down. "It's Baaaan vs Meliodaf!" Brooke watched as Ban and Meliodas stepped up onto the ring, it was easy to see the excitement on their faces at the prospect of the two of them fighting. "Standing 5 feet tall and weighing 110 pounds, Meliodaf! Standing 6 feet Eleven inches tall and weighing 170 pounds Baaaan!"

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