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H A R A D A  S H I Z U K O

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"Shizu-Chan. Its time to wake up." A loud knock and voice came from her door. The voice held a playful tone. She sighed and slowly walked to the door, yawning as she pulled it open. Her red headed—energetic—friend stood on the other side, a smile wide on his face. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." He bopped her nose with his finger tip.

She held his wrist, putting it back at his side. "Tendo, don't you think it's too early for you to be at my dorm?"

"I don't think so. No time is too early. Besides I wanted you to come to morning practice." She looked up at him, blank faced. He had grown pretty tall since middle school, towering over her 170 cm with 187 cm.

"I don't want to." She turned and went into the kitchenette, opening the fridge and pouring herself a bowl of cereal.

"Huh? But you have to."

"I don't actually. Class starts at eight. It's six. I still have 2 hours to sleep."

"You wouldn't even come to see me?"

"Well if you put it like that..." she watched as he smiled hopefully. She deadpanned. "No."

He groaned and then smiled. "What if i gave you a piggyback ride there. You wouldn't even have to walk."

She considered the option. "Alright but if I go, you have to buy me ice-cream when you're done with after school practice."

"Done." He gave her a cheesy grin.

"Ok. Let me change."

It was cold outside, the spring morning, turning their noses red. But the heat radiating off of Tendo was enough to keep her warm. He carried her the whole way, the tired girl falling asleep on the red heads back. When he noticed, he smiled and continued walking.

He didn't want to wake his sleeping friend, but they had already gotten to the schools gym. "Shizu-Chan." He whispered.

She groaned, trying to rearrange herself, but noticed she was kind of restricted. "Are we at the gym already?"

"Yes, you can walk the rest of the way."

"But I'm cold, and don't feel like walking." She snuggled more into his back.

"Hm, Shizu-Chan seems more cuddly today." Tendo observed out loud. Shizuko blushed, loosening her grip around tendo's neck.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Let me down, loser." She climbed down, stretching her arms wide. When she looked at him, she noticed that he was already looking at her. "You know, if you stand here longer, you might be late. And coach is gonna make you run laps around the school."

His easy smile, popped up. "Shizu-Chan, you're too cute." He pinched her cheek, too which she smacked away.

"Whatever, let's go."

"Aye aye." Tendo saluted and they walked into the gym. The whole team waiting for their middle blocker.

She sat on the bleachers, watching from above the court as the boys practiced, doodling on a scratch paper. Tendo called for her attention when their practice game started, wanting her to watch him as he blocked his team mates spikes. His nickname, Guess Monster, fully showing, annoying the team on the other side.

She smiled every time that Tendo blocked a spike, feeling sorry for his teammates that stood on the other side. They didn't stand a chance against him.

When they started their first year of high school, Tendo had suggested that they start volleyball together, but Shizuko declined. She wasn't really great at the sport and it wasn't really her thing. She'd rather focus on her grades.

It was all the same anyways. This year was their last, so it wouldn't make sense for her to join anymore. So she just sat back and watched as her best friend conquered the court.

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