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H A R A D A  S H I Z U K O

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H A R A D A  S H I Z U K O

"Semisemi!" Tendo said as he placed his tray down next to the gray haired male.

"What did I tell you about calling me that?"

Tendo pretended to frown. "But I though you liked it?"

"Where does me telling you to stop calling me that show that I liked it?" Tendo shrugged. Semi sighed, to which Shizuko giggled. She loved watching the interactions between the middle blocker and setter. "Was there anythig you needed or did you want to annoy me?"

"Could be both, but I dont remember what I needed." Semi looked at Shizuko, question with his eyes, how can you stand him? Shizuko shrugged.

"Shizu-Chan and I are going for drinks after school, did anyone want to join?"

The girl's eyes widened. "We are not going for drinks. We're only getting ice-cream, remember."

"But they have really good sake next door." Tendo said excitedly. "Besides, it's Friday."

"Tendo that's not very responsible." Ushijima rumbled from the other side of the table. "Even if it is the weekend." Semi agreed with him.

"Ah. You guys are no fun."

He didn't give up though, often bugging Shizuko about it, during the rest of the school day. Every time she said no, but after she wanted to say yes, just to get him to stop asking.

Finally, on their way to the gym for after school practice, she said yes—tired of his relentless questioning. He shouted excitedly, pulling his friends arms up so that it looked like they were celebrating together.

"Just please don't make me regret it."

"You got it."

She regretted it.

They had just finished their ice cream, stepping foot into the small building, ordering flavored sake, and sat down. Which was ten minutes ago and Tendo was already buzzed. He had fifteen shots already, Shizuko only had eight.

She wasn't as bad as him, sober enough to recognize that Tendo wasn't going to be able to get back to his dorm by himself. She sighed and paid the tab, cursing that the fool was going to make her broke.

She pulled him to his feet, much to his displeasure. He wanted to stay and drink more. "Tendo, we have to get back. It's already 10 and im tired."

He kept on complaining, but stood up anyway. She slung his arm around her shoulders, carrying most of his weight. She groaned and steadied herself, trudging back to the dorms.

Tendo, with all his complaining, was helping her walk, even if it was just a little bit. Though he did keep his head in the crook of her neck and shoulder, a very uncomfortable position might she add.

They got back to the dorms, the guard for the girls building not at the desk, so it was easy for her to get Tendo up to her room, without anyone stopping them.

With trouble she opened the door, laying Tendo down on the bed before closing the door. She grabbed water for the both of them, drinking hers on her way to Tendo. His eyes were shut, but she was sure he was still awake.

"Hey Tendo, drink some water." She squatted beside him.

"Don't wanna." His words were slurred and slow.

"But you have too, or else you'll wake up with a really bad headache. Worse than you'll no doubt have." She mumbled the last part.

He chuckled and opened his eyes, patting Shizu on the head. He grabbed the cup, sitting up. "Shizu-Chan is so caring. That's what I love about her."

"Well if no one is gonna care, who else if not me?"

"I love Shizu-Chan. D'you know that?"

She blushed. "Of course I know that. I love you too Tendo."


She frowned, confused. "No?"

"I don't love her like a friend." He looked down, a sadness in his eyes. He handed her the glass back, still full, and flopped back on the mattress.

Shizuko sat, her cheeks flushed. Did he just...confess to her? No. He's drunk. He's just speaking out of his ass. Though....

She sighed and stood up, making her way to the kitchenette, but a hand on her wrist stopped her. She looked back at Tendo. His eyes half lidded.

"Don't leave me."

"I'm not. I just need to put the cups in the sink."

"Ok." He was half asleep but she could tell that he was fighting it. She hurried to change, taking off Tendo's jacket and the so he would be more comfortable, taking his shoes off last.

She then climbed into bed, making sure that the blanket was covering both of them, snuggled closer to Tendo and closed her eyes, sleep hitting her hard.

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