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H A R A D A  S H I Z U K O

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H A R A D A  S H I Z U K O

The week went by too fast and it was the day before the teens had to go back. But a question was eating at Shizuko the whole time. She couldn't leave her mom alone, without her  father there, she was scared for what her mom might do.

But she also couldn't fathom leaving Japan and starting over in a place she absolutely knew nothing about, especially because her English was limited. There was also Tendo.

She never brought the topic up to her red headed friend. She was sure he wouldn't take the news well. And she doesn't want to leave him. She hated to think about it.

They had another quiet dinner, forks hitting against their plates was the only noise in the house. The mother and daughter hadn't really talked since the funeral, but her presence there was enough to comfort Harada-sama.

They cleaned up the kitchen, Shizuko's mom noticing how close her daughter stood to Tendo. She's know the boy since Shizuko was in middle school, a time when she was going through a lot of bullying. Of course she noticed her daughters personality but not that it really effected the girl.

Before Shizuko had been tough and loud, something Harada-Sama had always loved, but then she was getting bullied. She tried not to show it, but her mother knew—especially with all the cuts she came home with.

But after Shizuko met Tendo, she's been happier—though quieter—and spent most her time with her new friend. Shizuko's mom knew that she had some insecurities about her height, but it never seemed to matter around Tendo—who outgrew her anyway.

She smiled when she said good night to both teens, proud of the people they grew up to be.

Shizuko came out her room, drying her hair with her towel, and going into Tendo's. He sat on the bed, back against the wall, as he read the manga he brought. His hair was down, wet from a shower. She smiled and shook her head. she threw her towel over the chair to the desk and joined her red-headed friend, shimmying her way under his arm, curling into his side.

He flinched, but still held her. "Shizu-Chan, you're hairs cold!"

She laughed. "I just got out of the shower. What did you expect?"

"To not be cold." He went quiet again, continuing to read his manga.

Shizuko but her lip, was it too late to make a decision? It was already the night before they had to go back to Japan. She sighed and closed to her eyes. "Tendo, what would you say if I decided to stay in the states?"

"Eh?" He put down his book and moved back so he can look at the grey haired female. "What are talking about?"

She blushed. "I don't think I am, but I can't imagine leaving my mom alone. Not after my dad—" her throat tightened, so she stopped and Tendo didn't make her continue. "I just don't know what to do."

"Well you're a third year." He said, continuing almost hesitantly. "Only one more semester and then we graduate." He hoped she didn't really understand what he was saying, but at the same time he did hope she got it. He didn't want to be the one to say it out loud.

Shizuko had always been smart though. "I could come back after graduation." She said almost happily. But then frowned. "But what about you? I don't want to leave you." Tears filled her grey eyes, leaking down her cheeks. "I just don't know what to do."

Tendo wiped her cheeks, looking at her with a soft look. It was like déjà vu. He didn't want her to leave him, he got used to having her a stroll away. But with her in the States, Tendo was scared that she's forget him. That she'd fall in love with some American and leave him in the dust. But...he couldn't be selfish. He sucked in a breath. "I'll support you in anything you choose."

She smiled, new tears falling down. She hugged him and he had no choice but to wrap his arms around her, his heart pinching.

I don't want her to leave 🥺👉👈

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