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H A R A D A  S H I Z U K O

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H A R A D A  S H I Z U K O

Shizuko was hesitant to get off the plane, rightfully so. It was crowded and loud, people speaking in many different languages, English being the main one. She called her mom when they got out of customs and she appeared out of nowhere, pulling her daughter into a hug.

It was something Shizuko didn't realize she needed and when she did, she broke down again, dragging her mom onto the floor with her. "How?" Her broken voice asked.

"In the car." Her mom responded.

Even though the teen girl asked, she was scared to find out, not wanting to believe what had happened what real. Her mom said hi to Tendo, saying how it's been a while since she saw the red-haired teen. Tendo had been polite, something Shizuko saw rarely.

When they got in the car, was buckled, and driving for five minutes, her mom finally decided to explain. "I should have known something was wrong when he started to come home late and drunk. He'd say he went to get a couple drinks—saying work was stressful. And I let it slide, knowing it was bad to let it continue. But I said nothing and he kept coming home later and later, getting progressively more drunk; it was a surprise he made it home safely.

"He didn't even have to work Sunday, but insisted that if he wasn't gonna do it, who would." Her mother's breath hitched, tears streaming down her face. "He didn't come home that night, so I figured he spent the whole night at the bar, but then he didn't show up in the morning. Instead a cop did, explaining that he had been in a car accident. The other people had been fine, but—" her breath hitched and more tears fell. "I just feel like if I hadn't let him go then he'd still be here."

Shizuko, with tears running down her cheeks too, reached to her mother, rubbing her back. "It's not your fault. No one could have predicted it." The rest of the car ride to her moms house was quiet, just a few sniffles coming from her mom.

The house wasn't big, but it wasn't exactly small. Her Father used to work at a huge company, soon becoming the head, and then having to move to the states. Luckily that had happened while Shizuko was in her first year so she stayed at the dorms while her parents moved. Her mom wasn't bothered by it much, as long as she stayed in contact.

She led them to the spare rooms, Both of them getting the rooms with the restrooms. She sighed and put her bags on her bed, the comforter cold from disuse. She flopped back, staring at the white ceiling. Despite missing her mom, she didn't want to be here, not if this was the reason.

She couldn't remember the last time she talked to her dad, regretting not texting him everyday. And it made her feel horrible—the guilt only hitting her now that he was gone. She put her fist to her mouth and screamed into it.

Why her?

Her mother took them out for dinner, bringing it back home, since neither of them wanted to deal with anyone else. The two teens were tired when they finished dinner. They went upstairs taking showers. Separately of course.

Shizuko laid on her back, staring at tte ceiling again. The moonlight casted white light against the dark shadows. She felt lonely and cold, the blanket not doing much to keep her warm. She turned on her side, looking at the wall that she knew Tendo was on the other side of.

Sighing, she got up and padded her way out of the room and to Tendo's door. She knocked and it took a second for Tendo to open it. "Shizu-Chan?"

Tears where in her eyes again, threatening to fall. She looked up at him. "Can I stay with you tonight. It's just really cold—"

He smiled. "Of course." He stepped aside, letting her in. The light was off, but there was enough moon light for her to not trip. She climbed into the bed, Tendo joining her. He wrapped his arms around her, snuggling his face in her neck, pressing both of their bodies together. "I love you, Shizuko."

He said her full name. When was the last time he did? "I love you too, Tendo."

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