(💙+❤️) Late Night

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Type: 5+1, Fluff, Tiny Bit of Angst
Featuring: Fingolfin|Nolofinwë, Finarfin|Arafinwë, Fingon|Findekáno, Turgon|Turukáno, Aredhel|Írissë, Argon|Arakáno, Maedhros|Nelyafinwë
Synopsis: Fingolfin's closest family are used to sleeping with him after a nightmare. He's not a very light sleeper, so he just snuggles them and gets back to sleep.


Nolofinwë feels his bedsheets being interrupted as someone climbs into the bed with him. He grumbles slightly, prompting a familiar, bell-like laughter and a poke on his nose.

"I want to sleep, Arafinwë." He mutters. He feels his brother suddenly hesitate, as if guilty for disturbing Nolofinwë's sleep.

The latter grumbles again and pulls the other into his embrace, his chest to Arafinwë's back.

"At least you make a very good pillow." He mumbles into golden hair. Arafinwë laughs breathily, relaxing under his brother's arms but not quite asleep yet.

Nolofinwë struggles to keep himself awake, securing his arms around his smaller, younger brother."What is it?"

"A nightmare," Arafinwë whispers, sounding lost and confused. "I think I saw you dead. Killed by Morgoth."

He feels himself stiffen at his words. Arafinwë had the gift of foresight, and more often that not his visions would come true.

"In the future," Nolofinwë chooses to say. "but not now. I'll promise to be careful."

"Considering your recklessness, I don't think so." chuckles Arafinwë, his mood lighter.

"Sleep, little brother," Nolofinwë says, sleep overtaking him again. "or I'll squeeze you."

Arafinwë doesn't answer, already fast asleep. Nolofinwë smiles softly before he falls asleep too.


The next time it happens, Findekáno actually somersaults himself onto his Ada's body.

Nolofinwë felt his air being punched out of him as he opened an eye in annoyance, glaring at the elf above him.

"Findekáno," Nolofinwë growls. "maybe a little less of a rude awakening?"

"Sorry, Ada." Findekáno grins, but there was pain hidden beneath.

Nolofinwë sighs and lifts his bedsheets. Findekáno immediately dives in, snuggling up to his Ada with his head tucked underneath the latter's chin. He had always been the most emotive out of his children, never fearing to show any signs of affection.

"Bad dreams?"

A muffled 'yes'.

Nolofinwë hums sleepily. "Don't worry. I'll protect you."

"I don't need protecting." Findekáno says indignantly into his Ada's neck. But his father's embrace made him feel warm and safe as he finds himself dozing off.


It was freezing. The air was frigid all around on the Grinding Ice. They had finally found a region where the ice was thick enough to support tents, because everyone was nearly collapsing from exhaustion.

It took a lot longer than before for Nolofinwë to fall asleep, his mind troubled with anger and sorrow.

Then, just as his eyes finally close, he hears the tent flap being lifted and light footsteps on the ice.


Nolofinwë opens his eyes to see Turukáno crouching in front of his sleeping form. His son's eyes were puffy and red from crying over the loss of his wife.

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