On and On Forever

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                                                      On and on forever

I love you with all my heart and soul,

I love you more with every toll.

Everything I say, every dime I pay,

Is worth it all for you.

There in the beginning and there till the end is nigh,

“By your side till the day I die.”

That’s what you say when I ask you,

“Is it true? Will you love me through and through?”

Other friends will come and go,

But you will stay,

You are just so.

Just so perfect in my eyes,

Just so clear, like the skies.

You are the first star I see at night,

And the last one to shine so bright.

Love has many pieces,

Like an ear of corn,

And many layers,

Like a trees thick bark.

But what love most reminds me of,

Is a spark.

With many layers,

Like the kindling, the flames and the smoke,

But also the pieces,

The pieces of oak.

It must be nurtured and loved,

Coaxed and tugged.

Never neglected or left alone,

For in the wind, it will go out cold.

It will sputter and die,

Choke and cry,

Wanting to be lit and loved again.

But some flames are so loved,

And so taken care of,

They last long after both its caretakers are free and done.

Free of this flesh,

Free of this bone,

Free of this note I am writing alone.

To nurture our flame, so that it will last long after we both are free,

I shall say what I love the most about thee.

I love your courage and will,

Your foolishness and skill,

I love you wit and your eyes,

Your smile and sighs.

And if one of us two, becomes free before the other,

I shall be sad, yet I shall love none other,

For every one person has only one true lover,

Yet that true love lasts on and on, forever.

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