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Before you read this book, I want you to know that my writing style went through a lot. At the beginning of this book, you may find some noticeable flaws but I assure you that the longer you read this book you will see some improvements, so please go easy on me, it was the first book I ever wrote😩

Taehyung's Pov
I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing and groan at the sound of it, still needing more sleep but knowing I have to go to work. After standing up and I walk to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I carefully scan through my body and think to myself

'why can't I just tell him'.

I have been in love with my best friend, Jin, since high school and we've graduated but still haven't told him. It's just that, what if he doesn't feel the same way and i mess up our friendship? Sorry that's not a chance I'm willing to take.

After daydreaming about him, I take my shower and walk out of the bathroom and see my phone ringing. It's no one other than Jin...

I pick up the phone with a smile on my face.

"Taehyung! How are you? I haven't seen you for a whole week?" says Jin, i chuckle lightly.

"Hyung, it's because I have work, I'm not rich like you" I say playfully. "Yah! that doesn't matter now, let's meet up, please even Hoseok is coming with me" he whines.

"All right, let's do that later this evening, ok?" I say. "Okay Tae, see you later". He cuts the call and I lay down on my bed thinking about how handsome he is. You may think that I don't like spending time with him, but that's not the case.

It's just that these days, I've noticed him looking at his phone and laughing at it. Shameful to say, It makes me jealous. I don't want to ask him who he's talking to, because I have no right...

I stand up quickly noticing I don't have much time. I quickly go to the cafe I work at and see Jimin getting the cafe ready. Jimin is my very close friend, he knows everything about me, and I mean everything...

"Yah Taehyung! Why are you standing there? Get ready we are opening in 2 minutes!" I quickly get to the back and put on my apron.

People start coming in the cafe and order some things. The present girl in front of me is ordering a cup of coffee, I was about to go get it until she stopped me "Um..you see I was wondering if I could get your number?"

Ha...I forgot to say, most of the customers come here to get my number but I can't accept it, not when I'm in love with another person, even though Jimin always says I should move on, I don't want to just yet.

"Oh actually I'm really sorry but I can't if you are planning on dating me but I would still love to be your friend" I beam a smile at her "Ah, you're so nice but don't worry, thank you" she said with a sad smile

"Would you still like to have your coffee?"

"Yes please" she says more cheerfully this time.

It was break time now, Jimin sits next to me  "Tae, what's up? Anything happened lately?" He asks me

"Well, I'm meeting up with Jin later, and Hoseok is coming too" I say, "Oh, so why don't you look happy?"

I become sadder  "Well actually, these days Jin has been talking to someone, I think he's dating someone..."

"Well actually I forgot to tell you this but I've noticed this for many months, it's just that now he does it more openly" Jimin says

Wow... well there's nothing I can do, I'm sure it's nothing, right? Well let's forget about that now, let's go back to work" I say standing up, trying to stop the conversation going further.

It was evening time now and I'm waiting for Jin and Hoseok with Jimin standing beside me. My phone starts ringing so I pick it up "Taehyung-ah! Do you see me?" I look around and see Jin and Hoseok.

"I see you!"

Jin runs up to me and gives me a big hug and I hug him back. "I missed you so much" he says in my ear, " I missed you too" I say, blushing. He comes off me and grabs my hand, "Let's go" he says

Hi guys シ︎, this is my first story, I'm  trying my best and learning new things. I love you all. (ง'̀-'́)ง
The picture used here are from pinterest.

Edit: Lol k just finished editing this, I corrected all the grammar and stuff like that. I didn't feel like changing the texts here so I left it like that. Anyways cheer me on cause I finally got the motivation to edit this book :3
-May 10th,2021

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