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Jin's Pov

Namjoon had only 2 rooms in his house so we had to decide where to sleep

"I wanna sleep in Namjoon's room so Jin do mind staying Taehyung?

Yes, this is finally my chance to talk to him, after so many years, am so happy

"I don't mind, Taehyung lets-"

Before i could finish what i wanted to say, Taehyung walked away going to the room

Everyone stared at him till he closed the door, Namjoon told Jungkook to go inside saying he wants to talk to me

"Jin, do you guys know each other?"

Ah this is weird, i never told Namjoon the name of the person i loved.

"Um actually, he's the person who i like..."

Namjoon eyes widen at what he heard. "That's the person you like?! He said loudly

I cover his mouth immediately with my hand to make him shut up "yah...don't speak so loud"

He removes my hand from his mouth and looks at me with a serious face now

"Are you going to confess?"

What is he talking about?! Didn't he see how Taehyung just treated me? There was no way I would confess. But i want us to at least be on good terms.

I missed him so much during this past 4 years so the last thing i want to do is to fight with him.

"No I'm not, but I'm going to talk to him as friends, that's all we can be"

I walk away leaving Namjoon standing there.


I feel like crying now, but I need to be strong so i can reason things with Taehyung

I go to my car to get my small suitcase that has the things i would need for 2 nights here, I walk towards the room where Taehyung and I will be staying and knock on the door to be sure i can come in but hear no response, i enter anyway

I see Taehyung on the only bed there with his phone in his hand. Am guessing there is only one bed, i have to sleep in the floor.

I climb on top the bed and stay in front of him because i want to talk to him.

"Tae.." I say looking at him with a sad smile but he ignores me

I have to show him my happy self

I go closer to him and try to hug him but he slaps my hands away. What's wrong with him? Did I do something bad again?


"What hell do you want?" He says looking at me with anger

This is breaking my heart too much, am i being too pushy?.

I try hiding my sadness with a smile, i sit next to him and put my head on his shoulder

"Taehyungie, i missed you so much, why did you leave me?"

He pushes head off his shoulder forcibly making my neck crack a little. He stands up from the bed and glares at me with a written look of disgust on his face

"Why is everything about you all the time?! YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU!! Can't you just leave me alone, WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING CLINGY?!

Of course i knew he would be angry at me, it's because am so selfish that the person i love hates me so much, I can stand anyone hating me but not my precious Tae...

I look at him trying to hold back my tears "Am sorry Taehyung, maybe i should i s-sleep somewhere else, okay? I won't bother you again" I smile at him while standing from the bed, i grab my suitcase and walk out the door.

I close the door slowly and start crying, I turn my head to look at the closed door, "am so sorry" i whisper quietly

I bend down and open my suitcase, bringing out the stuffed tiger I had since the day we went to the amusement part, I hug it tightly, zip my suitcase and run to my car still dragging along my suitcase.

I start the engine planning to drive to one of my father's hotels. I look at the house again remembering the fight I just had with Taehyung and see the front door opening slightly. I speed off immediately not wanting anyone to see me

Still crying so much I realize I have to tell Namjoon that am not sleeping in his house any more, still speeding I bring out my phone to dial his number

But then I see a bright light and then a big truck crashes into my car

Everything seems so blurry now, I need to call someone for help, but before i could do anything, I blacked out.

Author's note
Bye 😁🥰

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