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Jin's Pov
I wake up to the sight of seeing Jisoo on the bed. Am guessing she came back late in the night. I stare at her face wondering what her and i can do for today.


She opens her eyes slowly, seeing me look at her. "Good morning"

I kiss her cheek "Good morning" i  say with love in my voice. "are you free today?"

"Yes, i am"

I jump up from the bed in excitement, "let's go to movies then!" I go close to her face waiting for a response. She cups my cheeks and smiles at me brightly "let's get ready then"

She stands up and starts undress in front of me, i turn my face immediately "ya! Go to the bathroom"

"Oh come on, we've been married for 4 years now, you should get used to this"

I stand up from the bed and run out the door "am going to make breakfast" i see her chuckling from behind

We arrive at the cinema, "Jinnie, what movie did you plan for us to watch?" She says checking her phone.

"Do you wanna watch Everything, everything?"

I look at her, waiting for her to respond. She takes a while, I get tired and tap her shoulder. She looks up from her phone "ah yeah sure, let's go in"

We head inside and just when we were about to sit down, Jisoo starts to walk away, "Jisoo, where are you going?" She looks at me "actually i can't stay, i have work" she walks off leaving me with my mouth hanging. I decide to go home too since she's going.

I get to the front of door and walk inside, i put my things on the table and walk inside with a frown on my face. I was about to go to my room and sleep till i see a picture of Taehyung i have kept since he left, i go up to my desk and grab it

I caress my hand slowly at the picture staring at it for a long time that i didn't notice tears streaming down my face.


I drop the picture immediately, grab my keys and walk out the door. I enter my car and drive off to Taehyung's place, i whisper to myself, "Taehyungie, am sure not gone, your at home right? Right!" I run my hands through my hair

I get down from the car and walk towards the door, i try opening the door but its locked, i continue to do it more aggressively this time.

"Yo, what the fuck are doing at my door?!"

I turn around and see a man there who had tanned skin, he looked very tall. I step away from the door and look at him terrified. I fall down and start crying "i-i'm so sorry-y, i thought he wo-ould be here..." he rushes towards me and makes me stand up. He unlocks his door and sits me down on a chair, he walks away and comes back wa some seconds later with a glass of water "Here, please stop crying, talk to me". I stare at him with a confused look on my face, why is he being nice to a stranger who was trying to break into his house. I stop crying and look at him ready to explain "my name is Jin, am sorry for doing this, i have a reason for it.." i say looking down, he raises my chin up so i can look at him "hi Jin, my name is Namjoon. Don't worry, I'll listen to you" he say with a smile showing his dimples.

Author's note
Hey guys, sorry this was kind of short, i just don't want to end the story too early so am taking time
Love you guys 😄

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