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Months had passed, Taehyung and Jin had been spending every single minute with each other, from having sleep overs to going to the beach at night to breathe some fresh air. They saw this as a new chapter in life. A new chapter that only involved them and their happiness together.

Taehyung and Jimin were hanging out in Taehyung's house doing nothing but watching movies together. Jimin had noticed how Taehyung and Jin had become close again, maybe even closer than before.

"So you and Jin have been getting along?"

Taehyung looks at Jimin with the happiest smile on his face "Yes, we have!"

Jimin looks at Taehyung with a concerned look. He wondered if the brown haired male was still in love with Jin.

He tapped Taehyung's shoulder and looked at him with a serious face. Taehyung looked at him with a curious look, waiting for him to say something.

"I want you to tell me the truth and the truth only" Jimin glared

Taehyung knew serious Jimin was a scary Jimin.

"Do you still like Jin?"

When Taehyung heard Jin's name, he started to smile uncontrollably

"Yes I do and I..."

Jimin came closer to Taehyung's face waiting for him to complete his sentence

"You what?"

" I wanna confess to him"

Jimin was dumbstruck. He knew his friend was in love with Jin again, but he was afraid that his heart might be broken again but he decided as a good friend he should support him no matter what.

Jimin pulled Taehyung into a hug and patted his back slowly.

"Please don't get hurt like last time" Jimin said in a quiet voice

Taehyung knew Jimin was worried about him dearly, he remembered how much he suffered the first time he tried to confess but something in him knew that it would be different this time

Taehyung grabs his phone on the desk and texts Jin

"Jin, can you come over today? there's something I want to talk about"

He got a response immediately from Jin

"Sure, I'll come by in the evening"

Little did Taehyung know, that Jin had been planning to tell him something too for the past 1 month.

Evening comes by and Taehyung is getting more nervous by the second. He was pacing around the room, thinking of how to pour his feelings to the older. He decided to tell Jungkook to come over and help him with his difficulty.

Jungkook came over and calmed down the older. He had given him some advise on what he could do. Taehyung was still nervous so he proposed they watch a movie

20 minutes pass by and Taehyung tells Jungkook to home because Jin might be on his way.

Taehyung's phone was across the couch, next to where Jungkook was lying. He got up to get his phone. But slips on water that was split on the floor and landed on Jungkook making him kiss his nose.

They both look at each other with wide eyes, before Taehyung could stand up he heard the sound of things falling down. He looked and saw it was Jin in front of the door!

He pulls away from Jungkook and looks at Jin

"I-it's not wh-what you think"

Taehyung tries rushing over to him but Jin runs out the door not listening to Taehyung.

Taehyung runs after him but soon Jin runs out of his sight.

Everything is so messed up now.

Author's note
Am sorry guys. I promise this book has a happy ending.
Love you all 😁👍

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