Chapter 10: A day with the lovebirds

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It was morning, and Angel had just came to the lobby to see what was for breakfast. The air smelt like sweet cinnamon giving Angel hints on what it was.
When Angel saw the cat demon, he gave him a little wave while walking over to him.

"Hey Husky!", Angel said.
The cat rolled his eyes. He didn't like it when Angel called him that.

"What do you want?.. ", Husk said with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"I just wanted to know what's for breakfast. "

Husk took out a little cloth and started to clean a well designed glass cup, "hmm. . I think we're having french toast this morning and somethin' else on the side. "

Angel gave a little smile and thanked him. He headed over to the dining area. He saw Charlie, Vaggie, and Niffty.
'Maybe Alastor is still in bed.. ' , Angel thought to himself. The spider went over to the dining table and sat down.
"Hey Angel! How was your sleep? ", Charlie
said, with a big bright smile on her face.
Vaggie didn't pay no mind to Angel. So she just started to talk to the little maid demon while holding Charlie's hand.
"Uhh.. I'd say it was pretty good! Even though I had to sleep through Nug Nuggs snores. "
Charlie and Angel let out small chuckles as the deer overlord walked into the room. Alastor looked at both laughing demons.

"Good morning you two! ", Alastor said in his casual radio voice. They both stop laughing and looked at Alastor.

"Oh! Morning Alastor! ", Charlie blurted out. Angel smiled warmly as he saw his handsome boyfriend. Alastor went over to Angel. He leaned over and gave the spider a passionate kiss on the lips. The spider did the same back at him. Charlie smiled, 'I'm happy that they are together. '. "You two should probably go get Husk, and Mimzy so we can eat. ". The both of them stopped sharing their kiss and nodded in response. Alastor helped the spider out of his chair.

The deer and the fluffy spider went to go get the mad bar tender and the short singer. Once they did. They all headed back to the dining room. Of course. Angel and Alastor were sitting by each other and holding hands as they ate their sweet warm french toast.

(After breakfast)

As the radio demon and Angel Dust sat on the soft blood red couch. Alastor was thinking about a surprise for Angel. Since he was his beloved after all. Angel kissed Alastor's cheek making Alastor's thought clouds smoke away from his mind.

He looked at his beloved with a smile. Alastor put his hand on the fluffy man's cheek and pulled his face slowly to his own face. He than gave the spider a passionate kiss. Angel kissed back the handsome deer.

They soon pulled away from the kiss and decided they should get to working on the hotel. A couple demons came in and out sometimes. Or they went to one of the hotel's room they were staying at. Charlie was happy that at least a couple demons came to stay for a bit. Vaggie could see that her girlfriend Charlie was happy. Which made her happy.

Throughout the rest of the day, a few more demons came in. Every time they could, Alastor and Angel will give little smirks at each other or walk passed each other and flirt a bit. Charlie didn't care too much. As long as they were working hard.

After a long day of work, it was night...

"Mon Ange~? ", said Alastor. Walking towards the fluffy spider. Angel looked him and smiled.

"What's up strawberry daddy~? ", Angel said.

"Would you like to go gaze at some stars together? " , Alastor than grabbed both of Angel's hands. Looking at Angie with his bright smile.

Angel nodded, "Why of course! ". Alastor smiled and kissed his lover passionately. Angel kissed back, his smile never leaving his face. Husk's eye twitched as he had to watch Angel and Alastor kiss right in front of him. Niffty was beside Husk, fangirl-ing.

Husk than shouted in his grumpy voice, "Both of you get a room! " Alastor laughed a bit once he pulled away from the sweet kiss. He than cleared his throat and excused himself with Angel. Angel laughed a bit at Alastor's actions. Niffty was sad that it was over but she knew her job was to clean so she got back to cleaning around the place.

Alastor and Angel than went outside. "Where should we watch the stars at Al?", the spider said. Alastor started to think as he thought of a place to go. Putting up one of his fingers he said, "How about on the top of that hill over there?" He pointed at the hill he was talking about. Angel nodded and started walking to the hill with Alastor. Alastor gave Angel a little flirt on the way up there, making the spider blush and giggle.

Once they got to the top of the hill. Alastor took his suit off and layed it down on the grass. "Awe thanks Al but you didn't have to do that. ", Angel said.

Alastor's replied with, "It's my pleasure, my love~" The deer than helped the spider sit down and after he was helping. He sat down right beside him. "You're very sweet Al~" Angel continued, "Just like a strawberry~." Alastor gave a little deep chuckle after what Angel said.

Alastor kissed Angel's cheek and held one of Angel's hands.

"I love you so much, dear~"

"I love you so much too Al~"

They both than looked up at the starry night with joy as they held hands together.

(A/N): I have no excuses for disappearing and I'm sorry for this trash chapter..qwq)

(Thanks for the love and support though! I love you guys so much qwq💍🌙💫)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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