Chapter 15

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How? I thought, tears staining my face. How did they find us? I thought The Right Arm was safely hidden away in the mountains where W.I.C.K.E.D. could never look for us. Did Marcus sell us out? I mean, he was the only one that knew where this place was, so it had to be him. But I shook that thought away, he was still tied up in that chair back in his home, and everyone was too drunk to hear him. I thought we were safe here like everyone had promised. This safe haven we just arrived at was now about to become a warzone. But obviously, W.I.C.K.E.D. didn't care. Their only mission was to gather up their escaped immunes and bring them back to continue performing their sick experiments for that cure they believe would happen.

People wasted no time to gather up all their weapons they could find to get ready to fight. Meanwhile, Newt took my hand so we could find our friends in the scattering crowd of screaming people. The choppers were getting closer, their lights flashing red and green as they hovered just a couple hundred feet away. Then, it happened.

One of the helicopters opened fire, launching a single missile at the campsite. As small as it was, it definitely created a lot of damage as this place instantly went up into flames. The cotton tents caught on fire, people were fearing for their lives as they ran away screaming, and some weren't so lucky as they died in that first missile hit. The helicopters circled above us, opening more fire. Then, W.I.C.K.E.D. soldiers zipped down from ropes and started shooting at those who were trying to get away. Because that was the choice in this life or death situation. You either surrender or you die.

As I turned my head, I saw someone, a woman writhing on the ground in pain. I instantly circled for her, hoping I could save her before it was too late. I crouched above her and turned her over. I made a shocking discovery to find that the woman was Lillian. No, not her, I thought. This amazing doctor that helped me was now lying there, gasping as she struggled for air. Her petite body was now covered in warm, sticky blood and her beautiful blond hair was now a tangled mess. Clear lines that were her tears were now streaking down her dirty face. She was in a lot of pain, I wanted it to stop.

"Hey, look at me, you're going to be okay," I choked as I held her hand. "Look at me, we're going to make sure you're okay. Do you hear me? I'm going to make sure you're fine."

As much as my words tried being comforting in this frenzy, she knew she wasn't going to live. With that, her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she closed her eyes, taking her final breath all at once. Her hand instantly fell limp and her head lolled to the side. Lillian was gone. I couldn't do anything to save her.

"Rosalee, come on!" Newt said, quickly pulling me up to my feet. "We'll get caught in a crossfire!"

I absent-mindedly ran alongside Newt, more tears streaming down my face. Just like Chuck and the Gladers, I watched Lillian die in front of me. This couldn't be happening again. I won't accept this happening to us all over like deja vu.

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