Same Here!

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Ray and Nee's Place-

Nee- (On the phone) He's been acting weird lately.

??- Is it because of work?

Nee- I guess. I don't know.

??- Talk to him. Ask him.

Nee- Everytime I ask him he gets all mad. All violent and stuff.

??- VIolent how?

Nee-Punching the walls and stuff. Our bathroom is horrible.

??- Just try and talk to him about it.

Nee- I'll try.

??- Ok. Will I see you later?

Nee- Yeah. I'll come over. Tell Diggy I said get better.

Bahja- Ok. (Hangs up)

Nee- (Hangs up)

Nee POV-

Ray has been really scary lately. Punching walls. Throwing stuff. Our bathroom is full of holes. He even walked out a couple weeks ago. I love him too much to just say forget about it. He only started acting like this when they started working on this song with his ex girlfriend, Tiffany. A couple weeks after they started on the song, he was gone a lot, and complaining a lot. Ugh. I don't want to believe it but I think he's cheating. I'm scared to ask but I really need to. I got up out of the kitchen and walked into the room. Ray was on the phone with someone. I could hear the whole conversation. It was a girl. I stood in the doorway quietly and listened. I heard him say "I miss you" and then I cleared my throat letting him know I was there. He hung up the phone and put his head in his hands. I went and sat on the bed with my back facing him. I just decided to go for it.

Me- Who was it?

Ray- No one.

Me- You sure?

Ray- Yeah damn!

Me- (Grabs the phone) Tell the truth.

Ray- Gimme my damn phone.

Me- (Throws the phone to him) It's pointless with you!

Ray- What you mean?

Me- You don't evenn care anymore! You don't see that we have a problem.

Ray- There's noproblem.

Me- Whatever!

Long silence.....

Me- Is it Tiffany?

Ray- What!?

Me- Was it Tiffany?

Ray- (Sighs) Yeah why?

Me- You miss her don't you?

Ray- No.

Me- Ray are you cheating on me?

Ray- No!

Me- Ray whatever!

Ray- Where were you last night? Out with the girls? Out wqith another guy? I'm not te one in the wrong.

Me- I had to work late in the studio!

Ray- Yeah sure!

Me- Ray fuck you! You know I would never cheat on you.

Ray- Sure!

Me- (Takes off her engagement ring and throws it at him) To hell with you Ray! I've tried to fix things but you just won't comply! (Stands up and faces him)

Ray- (Gets up and walks to her) WHo the hell do you think you are?

Me- I was your fiance!

Ray- Don't talk to me like that! (Gets closer to her and grabs her arms)

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