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Sera was watching tv and heard a door open loudly John walked through no blood nothing he was perfectly fine but he was pissed at something sera got up and walked over to him but he pushed her down and stormed into the bedroom slamming the door behind him

Sera's back hit the corner of the table it hurt she yelped at it John opened the door and grabbed her by the neck and dragged her into the bedroom and started beating her when he was done he sat on the bed breathing hardly sera coughed her face had no bruises but her body definitely does she laid on the floor cried her soft whimpers stopped when he sat her on the bed next to him rubbing her back she calmed down and rested her head on his lap John waited for her to be asleep then would pick up the living room after shoving her John knew he hit her and hurt her he knew and he was going to make sure it didn't happen again he knew it might happen at least 3 times before he stops but sera slept silently John got up and went to pick up the living room he was done in a few minutes he walked back in the bedroom to see sera calmly sleeping in the same position he left her in he got into bed with her laying on his back while she laid on her side.

Sera subconsciously moved laying her head on Johns chest and wrapping her arm around his stomach John fell asleep with his girlfriend next to him he dreamt of her it was a wet dream he woke up it was early like 4:30 am he saw sera still next to him but he could sense something but couldn't see it but he saw it with his passive he activated his ability the person ran John got up and followed it he trapped it in the corner he grabbed the person by the neck, John " deactivate your ability right now " the person did and he was surprised to find Terrence in front of him, Terrence "John I can explain " John "it better be good" Terrence "I work for spectre so the higher ups wanted me to follow seraphina " John then snapped he knew where this factory or facility was in welston but somewhere far away from welston high

Seraphina got out of bed she found John walking back in the room, John "come on babe let's sleep" sera nodded and followed John into bed she was cold when he cuddled her  she shivered he didn't mean to be gone that long she practically froze after sera was warned she fell asleep quicker john soon joined her

Friday-3:21 am 21 degrees

John walked through the cafe door the other students noticed him they just ignored him they knew who he was but they could care less one of the new freshman ran into him,??? "Sorry I'm so sorry I wasn't watching were I was going" John "that's enough I don't care for your mess up just calm down and move on" she nodded and left but left fast she didn't seem comfortable with the situation John left after eating he patrolled the halls he ran into remi,arlo,blyke,isen and evie all chatting about two new students known as revo and xevo two sisters John hasn't heard those names in years

His sister xevo was his twin and revo was born a year later xevo and John got along amazingly revo was more the loner type she didn't want to be around anyone longer than a hours at a time she loved John and xevo but she never interacted with them

Then John sensed it

Level 10




Weight-101 lbs

Vaughn read looking at the ravenette, Vaughn "are you related to anyone" xevo "yes John my brother haven't seen him in years hope he's living a happy life somewhere" Vaughn "wow how convenient you ran into your brother right here in welston " John walked up to the office door and knocked he heard Vaughn's voice on the other side

Xevo and John lock eyes the two strongest students well people in the world were in the same room a 25 and a 10 John is the only level 25 in the world and xevo is one of the 2 level 10's

John and xevo were not in the right mind set because xevo was in a fighting stance John activated his ability the aura flashing black and orange his eyes glowing a brilliant orange xevo activated hers with red eyes and a red aura the two nearly crumbled the building

Vaughn "enough" John "okay" xevo "sure" sera and the others showed up " what the fuck was that " sera "who are you " xevo " I'm xevo Johns SISTER " sera "cool" isen blyke and remi "his sister" isen "not gunna lie she's pretty hot" John xevo sera and arlo "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE " remi "arlo cursed " arlo "damn it"

Xevo left the room with remi to go find her dorm John seraphina and arlo were told to keep her under control with her ability

They agreed and left for the remainder of the day John was wondering where revo was



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