chapter 17:

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Don't own anything

Mobius 1 pov:

Me trude & destroyer are left in charge. Something strange has been going on girls themselves are freaking out over who stole panties.

I facepalmed i didn't want any part of it. Destroyer on the other hand munching on food minding his own business everything else is doing there own thing.

I noticed lucchini is shaking wouldn't take a bite of her food.

Mobius 1: whats wrong why are you shaking?

Girls turned to their heads to her.

Trude: it was ensign francesca lucchini

She ran off the others chased her. Erica didn't give a fuck. Me & destroyet & erica.







Destroyer: sorry commander minna shot my cooler boom box 😅

She came back & running around & ran out of the mess hall. Trude stopped while the others ran.

Trude: darling are you gonna help?

Destroyer: no can do i don't wanna get accused of looking at a woman's behind especially she's underage😓

Trude: (sighed) nevermind * she ran off *

Mobius 1: smart

Destroyer: thank you

Timeskip author pov:

rest of LRSSG are in the hangers checking their ammo counts maintenance from yours truly the scrap queen.

Boomer noticed yoshika running looking for someone. Till she found Luchini up on the tree, avril noticed this.

Scrap queen: she isn't wearing any boomers i mean .... * blushing *

Boomer: its okay * chuckles *

Long caster looked up seeing twin tails coming down from the window & ran.

Long caster:  * eating a sandwitch * she's having fun 


Destroyer they been chasing her this whole what is up with that

Mobius 1: i don't wanna be involved

They heard a air raid siren

Destroyer: SHIT

Trigger Comms: << stand down strider team you too grim reaper >>

Minna & trigger

Minna: how do you know?

Trigger: destroyer flew overnight no neuroi. Some is made it as a false alarm


Girls: WHAT?!

Destroyer: i'm facing the other direction slat

Slat: why?

Mio: slat uhhh how should i put this

Slat: okay whats going on you all?

mio: DON'T SAY IT😫

Slat: okay

Minna: he's right its a false alarm

Trigger: all hands aces


Lrssg mobius 1 & 501st gathered around for erica's promotion. Minna confiscated their underwear.
She congratulated hartmann for her calmness & did the same for the male aces.

Destroyer: thanks wilcke we don't need to be involved in some kin... * cut off by apex punching him *

Apex: don't put more fuel on the fire dude

Mobius 1: i'm bored i'm out

Long caster: everything is normal time for my munchies

Lucchini explain why this whole fiasco started then erica is wearing lucchini's.


Next chapter is gonna be tearjerker


strike witches: skies unknown reboot volume 1 CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now