chapter 5:

619 6 15

Don't own anything just ocs

Yes wyvern & morgan have unlimited ammo for EML & MRBM

Reason why SW world countries don't have that technology except warlock that's come close to it.

Yes i'm amped them up acutally LRSSG trigger & mobius 1 are plot armor.

Anyways enjoy

Author pov:

Mobius 1 trigger & strider squad (long caster is with minna talking to the council on the phone line) meet with barkhorn outside, she inspects the planes than turns to them wanting to see how can they do those maneuvers.

Trigger & mobius 1 looked at each other & grinned they went up first 3 strikes & grim reaper

(Theme playing in the backround)

Destroyer had a video camera recording as the two barkhorn & shirley jaw dropped at the post stall menuever & high G battle of two infamous stealth fighters piloted by two of strangeral's deadliest aces.

(Without killing each other)

Then after that it was a tie slat & boomer went up slat lost due to his f15E will not do a post stall boomer's X02S high mobility.

Finally destroyer vs apex predator. Trigger tells barkhorn that both pilots are rivals. Destroyer's popularity during the war was unheard of because (Author note: non cannon) after the battle of farbanti lost contact with Command.

Destroyer used to be callsigned whiplash 1 as an emergency pilot to do long range missions, he encountered mister x, he beat him up. (thats how mihaly got the wyvern) apex predator wanted to meet destroyer after the war.

They both did small missions to take on small radical risings. Back to them team explained to aircraft speed & weapons shirley drooling over their speed barkhorn getting turned on on their weapons.

Destroyer: my morgan has MRBM

Trude: meaning?

Destroyer: multi - purpose burst missile. This missile explode like a nuke when it gets to its target

Trude remembered correctly she did saw a plane that shoot its weapon at the neuroi making the big boom she out of character jumped on strider 2 both hands on his shoulders freaking him out a bit.

Destroyer: what in blazes LT..... Easy barkhorn


destroyer: okay now please get off me

Trude realized was closed to his beautiful face. They both blushed she ran to her room. Trigger & mobius 1 shit eating grinned.


Trude in her room closed her door & lock it. She admit it he was handsome, " as a karsland soldier i am disciplined " but deep down.

Trude: disciplined has nothing to do with love i remembered you told me chris

Destroyer & trude will hit it off first coming soon

As for Chris spoilers ahead plot of chris didn't like how It is how long she's been in that hospital she deserves more screen time.



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