Chapter : 1

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the photo up there is ^ BIANCA


"Aren't you tired of being single?" Selena, my best friend asked me for the 100th time possibly! This question was more annoying than my singleness. Singleness? Really? Is that even a word? Anyways who cares unless I say it out loud.

"No I am not" I lied, of course I am not going to tell her how I actually feel, I don't want her to think that I am a total desperate!

"You are just impossible!" she said irritated. Selena is in a relationship since 2 years now, she is trying to help me date so that we can go on double dates and I don't feel like a third wheel when, Michael, her boyfriend is around.

"Why don't you try an online dating app? She asked. I Looked at her like she was some kind of freak! No matter how secured an online DATING app is, I will always find it creepy on top of that I was already thinking of shutting my facebook account.

"No way! You know how I feel about these apps, they are-"

"Okay okay don't get started! Selena cut me off midsentence.

The cold winds started blowing again and I pulled my jacket tighter around my body, I love winters because their arrival always made me realise that Christmas is around the corner. I smiled at the thought of Christmas. We took a left and the school building started appearing in front of us. We were in the 11th grade. This school was new to us but we had fit in pretty well. We have this little group of ours which included, Selena, Angelina, Alice and me.

We reached the main gate of the high school where Michael was waiting for Selena. I knew they needed some 'personal' time so I made an excuse.

"I'll go get a pen from the stationary" I said. I needed a new one anyway.

"okay, I'll be waiting for you here"

"of course you will" I said sarcastically. She is gonna forget about me in less than 5 minutes, its not her fault though, she gets engrossed in Michael too quickly.

I got my pen from the stationery which is a little further down the street, and started walking back to the school. As I passed Starbucks the aroma of coffee struck me dead in my steps. I turned to look inside, I was trying to decide whether to go in and get a coffee or not. I looked at my watch, still 30 minutes to go. I walked in and went straight to the counter. Not bothering to look at the menu, I straight away ordered my favourite java chip. She asked for my name and then asked me to wait for a few minutes. I paid the bill and stood at the table where they call your name loudly and give away your order. After a few minutes waiting and looking like a loner my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out of my pocket to find a text from Selena.

My MeOw: where the hell are you?!

I quickly typed a reply,

Bianca: be back in 10 minutes :)

My MeOw: you better be!

"Two caramel latte for Aiden!" the guy loudly announced. I snapped up from my mobile, my heart started throbbing in my chest, anyone could literally hear my heartbeat right now. Is he here?! How did I not spot him?

Suddenly I caught sight of him, he was walking towards me and when his eyes met mine he smiled at me, I smiled back but I was hella nervous! This always happens to me when he is around, I cannot behave normally at all! I don't understand what to say or who to react.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey" I said as calmly as possible.

"How come you are alone today? Where is Selena? You guys are like totally inseparable"

"Actually she is waiting for me at the school"

"Oh, okay then see you around" he said picking up his drinks.

"Yeah, bye" I said as he walked away. My gaze followed him as he walked over to his table, and there she was, Alice! Sitting across from him, soon they were drowned in their own conversation. Why does it always has to be Alice?! Alice hit him playfully in his arm and they burst out laughing together. I sighed and tore my gaze away from them and turned around. As soon as I got my drink I walked out from there without glancing at them again.

Aiden was all I wanted sometimes but then there was Selena who always snapped me out of my dream world. Whatever she said about him was disappointing and true! I sighed heavily knowing that my thoughts and dreams are never going to turn to reality!

As the school got closer my coffee was nearly finished. I prefer not to drink the most bottom layer of the coffee because that is extremely sweet. I threw away the cup in a nearby thrash bin. Surprisingly Selena was waiting where she promised me she would and not so surprisingly she was almost making out with Michael! The sight didn't gross me out at all, what can I say they are too cute! When I was at a safe distance, I pulled out my phone and captured their kiss. Then I went over to them and cleared my throat loudly making then snap out of their moment.

"Get a room!" I exclaimed giggling. Michael turned into a deep red tomato! On the other hand Selena glared at me which made me laugh.

"Bitch!" she exclaimed

"I am sorry, but aren't we already late?" I said. She looked at her watch and swore loudly.

"I will see you around then" Michael said.

"Yeah bye" Selena said pecking his cheek.


So this is the first chapter guys! hope you like it (:

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