Chapter 9 - Improving and Deteriorating

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The first thing Lukas noticed when he woke up, was a chill in the air. It was significantly colder than when he went to sleep the previous night – for once a good idea hadn't kept him up until nearly 4 am.

Yawning, Lukas propped himself up on one elbow. Turning his head in the direction of his bedroom window, the first thing he saw was frost creeping across the window panes. Almost immediately Lukas began to smile. His favourite season had finally made it's entrance.

Lukas loved autumn. Watching as the deep green forest surrounding his little cabin fade to a range of reds, oranges, browns and even yellows, was just absolutely magical to him. Not to mention the pleasantly cool temperatures throughout the days, while chilly enough in the evenings and mornings to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa and a comfy sweater.

Grinning from ear to ear, Lukas flung his legs over the side of the bed and got to his feet. He wondered how long it would take that year for the leaves to start changing colour? Sometimes it's merely days, while sometimes it takes weeks. And sometimes, it can feel like it's almost overnight!

It didn't take long for Lukas to dig out one of his favourite sweaters. So early in the season, he knew he was going to be boiling in it by midday, not that he cared much at that moment.

The smile on Lukas's face fell slightly when he stepped out into the hallway. The door to Petra's bedroom hung ajar, a sign that she was already awake. The redhead had been spending more time hidden away in there recently, which had puzzled Lukas a little. Walking was becoming slightly easier for her, although she still couldn't get around properly without one of her crutches. But she no longer needed his full assistance to get around the cabin, and Lukas thought that bit of freedom it gave her would help. It didn't seem to.

Resisting the urge to go straight to her, Lukas walked past Petra's bedroom into the cabin's small kitchen. His ocelot purred around his feet as Lukas quietly worked, following his owner's every step until Lukas bent down and filled his bowl. Rubbing his head against Lukas's leg with a happy meow, the ocelot directed his attention to breakfast instead.

By the time Lukas had finished making breakfast, Petra still hadn't shown her face. Sighing softly, he placed the plate of pancakes down on the dining room table, before making his way back down the hallway. He couldn't help but be a little worried about his friend.

At first there was no response to Lukas softly knocking against the door. But then the silence was followed by a soft "Come in."

Lukas pushed the door open all the way, stepping into the room. Petra was sitting in the window seat, looking out at the many trees outside the cabin. She had pulled on a fluffy jacket, her bandanna pulled down lower than usual.

"I made some breakfast." Lukas said, walking over. "Your favourite, as well."

Petra only nodded, not saying anything. There was a sad look in her eyes.

"Is everything alright?" Lukas asked, hesitantly taking a seat beside Petra.

"Yeah, I'm just... thinking." Petra said softly. "It doesn't feel like much time has passed since the accident at all, yet... yet summer is already over."

Lukas nodded slowly. Of course, he had been so wrapped up in his love for the season, he forgot Petra wasn't fond autumn. She loved summer, she enjoyed warm weather, rain and sunshine. Usually Petra would spend autumn muttering about how she hated the cold temperatures, the dying forest, and the foggy weather.

"It's just harder to stay positive when everything outside is cold and dreary." Petra said softly, almost as if she knew what Lukas was thinking. "And it's a reminder that time is passing... the seasons are changing, and I still feel so helpless." She sighed softly before adding something in a whisper. "And I'm starting to realise I will truly never see Jesse again."

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