First day of school

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"Joubin for fuck sake turn down the damn volume, I am not in the mood to bear Limp Bizkit now!" Gappy yelled at his brother from the backseat,

"Josuke calm down, how could I know that the next song was gonna be theirs?" Asked joubin quite annoyed,

"Joooubin?" Asked Josuke,

"What?" Joubin replied,

"Are you gonna let me drive your golden lambo later?" Josuke was making his classical huge puppy eyes move,

"Not today Gappy." Replied joubin laughing,

"Don't call me like that just for the gap in my teeth, at least I don't have a fetish for stag beetles." Josuke replied yawning,

"Whaat? What did you say? You idiot!" Joubin was frustrated enough for Josuke's liking.

Josuke was a 17 years old guy who got transferred to Japan because of his family's fruit harbor, affairs were going greatly and Josuke was okay with going to japan since he always wanted to visit it, the day after was going to be the first day of school and he had yet to know his classmates, his quirk was really special like everyone in his family, his quirk had a humanoid form, it was a humanoid manifestation with special powers, Josuke was 6 feet tall (182 cm), had eyes strangely colored half blue half purple, he also had a gap between his teeth and really short and 'shaded' hairs at the sides, he had a piercing in his left eyebrow and a razor cut in his right one, a small ruby on his left earlobe and ring earrings on the side of his right ear, he also has a tattoo on his left arm which is a slightly ripped and semi burned parchment with roses around it and his mother birthdate written on it, then pieces of the parchment fall alongside some petals and they gradually become ashes, he also has one slightly under his left clavicle, a phrase that says "We believed we'd catch the rainbow, ride the wind to the sun." And on his other clavicle there's another phrase that says "Faith in the future, faithful that the dawn will come." In japanese Kanji.

He had two brothers and two sisters, joubin male 26 years old, hato female 24, joshu male 20, daiya female 15.
He has an incredible bond with joubin and daya, his father norisuke is 47 years old and he doesn't remember his mother at all because she died long ago.

The day after

"So everyone, a new student has been moved to this class he should arrive soon..." Aizawa said and most of the class was really excited but no one showed up.

Some minutes later Josuke arrived in the classroom, he didn't had the classic U.A. Uniform, he had a pair of high sneakers, black ripped jeans, and a nike black t shirt with the logo in gold and bands on its shoulders, he also had a blue and red bandana on his backpack and chain on his belt.

"You know what time it is?" Asked Aizawa,

"You should've arrived ten minutes ago." Aizawa explained and Josuk yawned before walking to the only seat that was free which was actually the last one, as far away as possible from the teacher, the seat was near a blonde guy named bakugo.

"He does look cool." Whispered Kirishima,

"Josuke is a cool name." Kaminari replied,

"It's the first day of school, no one wants to study today so we are just going to the gym." Explained Aizawa and everyone started to cheer.

On the way to the gym Kirishima approached Josuke,

"Oi, My name is Kirishima." The red haired said,

"Josuke." He replied as he shook his hand and touched his chest,

"What was that?" Asked Kirishima,

"That's what we do where I come from, but it's more of a street thing ya know." Josuke explained,

"Well Josuke he is Kaminari and the other one there is sero." Kirishima pointed at them,

Kaminari walked by his side and started talking, "You will soon know us all Josuke, but remember we are different when we fight, for example I am the most fearsome here." Kaminari said proudly and Josuke tilted his head to the side before nodding.

"So Josuke what is your quirk?!" Kaminari asked excited ,

"Are you sure you want to know it?" Josuke asked with a smirk,

"Yeah." Kaminari replied and Josuke stopped walking,

"It's a secret." He said as he placed his index in front of his lips.

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