Chapter 8: Kuroken

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Kenma's POV


"How long am I going to be here?"

"Either until I kill you or till I grow bored of you."

"Well. Which one is coming first."

"By the way you are behaving, kill."

"Okay." I said, still sitting in Kuroo's bed while he was trying to work. I had my own room, but Kuroo would leave his bedroom door unlocked during the night and I often wandered in here. Sometimes falling asleep too. Cinnamon made himself comfortable too, usually perching comfortably on top of Kuroo's bookshelf. I sighed, getting bored of watching Kuroo just writing plans and diagrams for some kinda heist. So, I got up and wandered out of his room.

Only a few of Kuroo's men stayed at night, even then, not all night so I wasn't worried. I wonder if I could find where the kitchen was. Kuroo would always bring me food, but I was thirsty. If I ever find it, and it's not locked, I'll be sure to get something. Maybe they have milk for Cinnamon too? I was just wandering down the hallway when suddenly someone pinned me against the wall.

"Hi there kitten."

"...What do you want."

"You seem awfully bored, and I know Kuroo hasn't really been letting his little kitten out to play." He said, pressing his lips to my neck. I tried to pull away, whimpering. Shaking slightly as he held both of my hands above my head with one of his. His other hand roughly pulling my shorts down before sliding his hand up my chest.


"Do you really want me to stop kitten."


"Really? Here says otherwise." He said with a grin, his hand rubbing through my briefs. I whimpered, my face heating up terribly. I didn't want whoever this was to touch me. But.. my stupid body was betraying me. I was kind of excited, the stimulation making me hard.

"P-please stop.." I whimpered, trying to break free and avoid crying. A tiny moan broke through my lips when the man's hand pulled the waistband of my briefs down and his fingers wrapped around me. I started panicking, feeling scared with this stranger touching me. Without thinking, I cried out loudly.


Kuroo's POV
Was that Kenma? I got up quickly, abandoning my work and walking down the hall swiftly. Turning a corner to see Kenma pinned against the wall, one of my own men assaulting him. Something in me snapped. I rushed over, pulling the asshole off of him and throwing him to the ground. Before he could get up, I let the bottom of my boot rest firmly on his face.

"Want to fucking tell me what you were doing?" I asked, the man whimpering. I moved my leg so I was standing with one foot on his chest. Kneeling down to look at him.

"No one touches Kenma. He's my property."

"W-WAI-" I brought my foot up, crushing his skull. Wiping my foot off on the ground. Turning around when I heard Kenma whimper. He sunk down on the ground, avoiding looking at the sight in front of him. I walked over, crouching in front of Kenma and blocking his view of the bashed in skill. Kenma was shaking when I picked him up. The shirt I provided him helping cover his lower half as I took him back to my room. I put him down on my bed, watching as he curled up quietly with small little whimpers.

"Did he do anything to you."

"J-just.. just a little." He mumbled, his face still flushed red.

"...I'm going to go clean up the hallway."

"W-wait. Please stay.." He asked quietly. I sighed, sitting on the side of the bed with him. Surely he'd calm down after a little and I could go clean that mess up before the blood stained to badly.

Mini Time Skip
Fuck, Kenma still seemed stirred up. I gave him new clothes to change into, but I could see he was still hard.

"Alright. I'm going to leave you alone. You need to take care of that."

"I... I don't know how." He said, hiding his face. Did he seriously not know to take care of this himself. I sighed, moving slowly. Almost like I'd scare him if I didn't. Eventually, I was laying right behind him. Reaching my arm over his side, slowly reaching my hand under the oversized shirt.


"Do you want to get rid of this or not."

"..Okay..." He said, hiding his face again and letting me do as I wished. Kenma's breaths became erratic as I held him, helping him relieve himself. Shit, his moans were getting me excited too.

"Kuroo.. I-" He said before coming, his body shaking. I removed my hand, cleaning it with a tissue from my nightstand. Kenma panting slightly, clinging onto my shirt. After a bit, he ended up falling asleep. I sighed, discarding the tissue and picking Kenma up. Getting yet another change of clothes for him. After getting him changed, I laid him on the small sofa in my room so I could change the sheets. Maybe a sofa in a bedroom was overkill, but hey, I was rich I could do what I wanted.

Once the sheets were changed, I put Kenma back into bed and tucked him in. Well fuck, now I had my own problem to deal with after taking care of Kenma's. Actually, I had two problems. After taking care of the first in the bathroom, I went back into the hallway and cleaned up the second issue. This fucker really tried to rape Kenma. In my own home. I should've done worse than bash his head in.

Wait, no.. There was no way I could let myself start to concern myself about Kenma. I just got rid of some asshole I wasn't aware was in my own gang. There was no way I'd let a rapist stay here. We may do a lot of things, but that certainly isn't one of them. Even to Kenma. Besides, no one could touch Kenma apart from me. He was my property after all.

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