Chapter 26: Kuroken

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Kuroo's POV
They ran away they seriously ran away-

"Kuroo, are you okay..?"

"NO! Tanaka and Kiyoko fucking ran away and Atsumu and Sakusa are still alive!" I shouted, pausing when Kenma looked startled. I took in a deep breath, calming myself and tone of voice before walking over to him. Pulling him to my chest and kissing his head reassuringly.

"Sorry kitten, I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just, angry that those two are still out there. I was THIS close!" I said, gritting my teeth before sighing. Kenma wrapped his arms around me, showing no resistance when I picked him up. He snuggled his face into the crook of my neck while I took him to my room. Anger and stress were quickly building up, and I needed Kenma to calm me down.

"Hey, you two, shoo." I said to the two cats Kenma had. Cinnamon, and the tan one he has named Apple Pie, got up and hopped off the bed. Both of them wandering elsewhere. I sighed, laying down and letting Kenma cuddle up to me. He was much more comforting than any cat, I just wish he could purr. We laid in silence, and in comfort. Even though Kenma helped, I still was pretty pissed, Kenma picking up on my mood.

"Is there anything I can do, Kuroo??" He asked quietly. I sighed, kissing his forehead.

"No, kitten.." Honestly, I was used to getting my frustration out by paying and picking up any hooker I could find on the streets. And, maybe I was a bit sexually frustrated considering I've not done practically anything since I lost Kenma a year ago. Plus, there was no fucking way I'd try and force or even ask Kenma to sleep with me. Not after what he went through. But, I could get away with kissing him. I tilted his head up, pressing my lips to his. Again, he held no resistance. Holding onto my shirt when our kiss deepened.


"Sorry kitten, I wasn't thinking." I mumbled, pulling away. Kenma's face was flushed as he looked up at me. He took in a small breath before leaning back in and kissing me again, his hand traveling lower from my chest. My body flinched when his hand cupped my growing erection. I wanted him to keep going, but I was afraid he was forcing himself.

"Kenma, stop..." I mumbled, grabbing his hand. He looked up at me, glancing away.

"...Do you not want to?" He asked, looking almost upset.

"Kenma, I don't want to force you into doing anything."


"What is it kitten." I asked, cupping his cheek when he looked saddened. He stayed quiet before hiding his face into my chest. Speaking, though muffled.

"Do.. Do you not want to because I'm used?"

"What?" I said in more disbelief than a question. Agh, this is all the more reason Atsumu and Sakusa should've died..

"Kenma, look at me." I said, waiting a couple moments for him to tilt his head up. I sat us both up, pulling him into my lap and cupping both his cheeks this time to keep him from looking away.

"I love you, more than anything. I've been wanting nothing more than to go further than just kissing and cuddling. But after everything that happened to you over the past year, you need time to recover. Both mentally and physically. You are in no way used, or dirty to me. Whenever you would want to go further, is when we will. Otherwise, don't you dare force yourself for me. Got it?" I said sternly, Kenma nodding in understanding.

"Good." I said, letting go of his cheeks and letting him hang onto me. I kissed his head, holding him close. Surprised when he looked up at me.

"I want to go further."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah.. If, if it's with you then it's okay." He mumbled shyly. I smiled slightly, giving him another deep kiss. Gently, I laid us both back down. Kenma on his back with me overtop of him. He slowly wrapped his arms around my neck, taking in a breath when I grabbed the bottom of his shirt.

"Kenma, are you certain? Please, if you don't want to, tell me. I'd be torn if you were forcing yourself."

"N-No, I want to. Just.. go slow..?" He requested. I nodded, making sure he was comfortable with his shirt off before slipping it off over his head. I pressed gentle kisses on his body from his neck down to his stomach. Kenma's body shook slightly, so I pulled away and kissed his lips softly.

"Keep your eyes on me.. It's only you and me here." I said, Kenma slowly opened his eyes. Watching as I moved my hands to his jeans. It may seem awkward for him to keep his eyes open and watching me, but this way he would know that I was the one touching him. His mind wouldn't have to wander and trick him into thinking he was tied to a bed underneath someone who's only intention was to hurt him.

Kenma let out a small noise when I slipped the rest of his clothing off. I looked around and reached into my nightstand drawer, grabbing lube so it wouldn't hurt so much. I slowly parted Kenma's legs, watching his expression as I did so. I leaned forward, moving my lips up to his. Mumbling how much I loved him as I slowly pressed my finger in. He whined, gripping my shoulders as I prepped him for a lot longer than he probably needed. Once Kenma said he was okay, I discarded my own clothing. Finding and putting a condom on with plenty of lube before slowly pushing myself into him.

"Ah.. are you alright, Kenma?" I asked once I was fully in. He nodded, face red as he stared up at me. I smiled faintly, keeping myself still until he was adjusted. Once he mumbled to move, I started at a slow pace. Listening to Kenma moan from pleasure sent bolts of electricity up my spine as I sped up my pace. As best as I could, I restrained myself to a slower, gentler pace until we both were close.

Kenma moaned and came onto his stomach while I filled the condom. Both of us catching our breaths. I made sure Kenma was okay before moving to clean up and run a bath. Though, to my surprise, Kenma wrapped his arms and legs around me. Hiding his face in my neck.

"Please.. I want to stay like this a bit longer." He mumbled. I smiled faintly, readjusting myself so I could stay like this more comfortably. I listened to Kenma's breathing and heartbeat return to normal, his skin cooling down a bit. I tried to avoid laughing when he ended up falling asleep like this. Well, he must be exhausted. It was a huge step for him to go this far, so he needed it. Without waking him, I managed to get up and slowly slip myself out of Kenma who whined in the process.

I cleaned everything up, managing to get Kenma cleaned and into a pair of my clothes to sleep in before lying back down with him. Watching him cuddle up to me in his sleep. I wrapped my arms around him, promising he was safe with me.

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