Chapter 13 It is About Time

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The angels in the house were all on guard and none of them decided to rest. They really didn't have to but it looks strange when among humans. Lucifer stayed with Chloe in the bedroom but stood by the window and watched. Their plan was to go to hell in a few hours and grab all the demons. Lucifer was leading that quick trip and Raphael and Maze were staying with Chloe.

All three demons had returned from being with Linda, Charlie and Trixie. Auggie had the humans and half angel in a vault area of the home where Lucifer has sent them. It would be their shelter until Lucifer or Amenadiel came to get them.

God came down followed by 10 angels. All but two went with Lucifer and his other siblings to grab the demons at the spot that Maze had arranged. They were back within about 25 minutes. Now the home was filled with demons and angels. It was one heck of a party.

Artakan and Maze took lead over their siblings. Amenadiel took the lead over his.

Lucifer went in to find God and Chloe in the bedroom talking. He bent down to give Chloe a kiss before looking at his father.

"Okay this is odd," he said as he walked to sit next to Chloe on the couch in their bedroom. "Dad, why are you in here?"

"Because I am visiting with Chloe," his father answered. "How are things?"

Lucifer gave him an update and that they were ready.

And just then, a swoosh and Michael appeared with three angels and Dromos and Squee by his side out by the pool. Lucifer and his father immediately went outside and Raphael went inside to stand with Chloe.

"Well hello, Father," Michael said. "I see you are still keeping with the enemy. See, brothers, he has chosen Lucifer over our ways. He has chosen evil over good.

"Where do we need to do it, Father?" Michael said. "Because your unholy rule is coming to an end. And how are you, baby daddy? Enjoying your little human and breeding the antichrist?"

Lucifer eyes turned red but his father put his hand on his shoulder, "It is okay, son. We do not need to do this here."

"Yes, Lucifer. Listen to dear old dad." Michael looked around and saw Maze.

"Mazikeen, I see you went back to Lucifer. Shame because I was going to give you that soul, but you can't always get good demons these days," he said. "Now, you will just cease to exist."

"All you do is talk brother," Lucifer said. "Do we get to have some action or are you going to do your little fear thing and watch the rest of us participate in life while you cower in the background with your broken wing? How is your wing, brother? Does it still hurt from the last time you tried to kill me?"

Michael looked around at the siblings that surrounded him. Lucifer saw a shift in his expression. It was one of fear and anger but he quickly disguised it.

"Oh we are ready. Let's meet somewhere appropriate. Angels stadium, I believe it is called. Tomorrow...sundown. Winner, take all."

"Parley, brother, on terms?"

"Sure. Might as well."

"Humans are off limits. Keep your demons and your ilk away from them. This is a celestial battle."

Michael looked at Lucifer and smiled, "Deal until it is over and then my demons deserve a reward after we win. And when I win, those who are not destroyed agree to stay in hell and never exit."

Lucifer smiled at his brother and flashed his eyes, "Deal."

Michael and the angels took their demons and left. Lucifer was still breathing hard and his eyes were still red when he felt Chloe take his hand and Raphael standing behind them. And with the touch, the light in his eyes turned blue and everyone except for God, gasped.

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