Chapter Five.

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Everyone was at your house, luckily your aunt had already left for work when you guys came back. You weren't ready for the confrontation just yet.

"Oi! What game?" Kuroo asks, looking at Bokuto.

"You pick!"

You rolled my eyes at the two as they argued on what game to play.

"You seem tense.." Akaashi says while taking a seat next to me.

"Oh? I don't feel tense.."


You look over to him and your eyes meet.
You immediately turned away.

"Okay maybe I'm a little anxious is all..."

"I'm sorry, is it us being here? Do you want us to go?" He asks.

"Oh no! It's okay! I guess it's just that I never had anyone over other than Kuroo...or Kenma.. Just weird having new friends I guess..." you started to play with your fingers.
You notice that Akaashi had noticed you fidgeting, which made you stop immediately.

"Here y/n, do me a favor and kick this owls ass for me."
You looked up at Kuroo who held out a controller for you. Taking it with caution.

He gave you a smile and sat on the floor in front of you.

"Bring it y/n!"

You smile as you started the game.

You obviously had the advantage in this game since it was one of your favorites and you ways played online with Kenma.

It actually felt nice to have a great chance on beating someone. Kenma was a hard opponent.

"Yo what! I pressed the button! No that's not fair!!!" Bokuto yelled at the controller.

You couldn't help but laugh.

"Wanna try?" You ask Akaashi.

"I kinda wanna play against you.." He said in his monotone voice.

"Well in that case, Bokuto! Hand the controller to Akaashi!" Kuroo says.

"Fine.. But.. But I want to play after, I must beat y/n!"

You chuckle at his words.

Bokuto handed over the controller to Akaashi and sat back down in front of the TV pouting.

"Ready?" You ask him.

"Try and go easy on me.."

"No promises.." You mumbled.

The night went on as the boys kept passing the one controller around trying to beat you.
You couldn't help but feel happy.
Happy for once.

You could tell from Kuroo that the night was soon coming to an end.

"Alright ladies, I hate to ruin this beautiful night but.. I'm tired and I think I'm gonna head to bed.. Y/n?"

You nodded your head.

"Awe already!" Bokuto cries.

"We'll get you guys some blankets and stuff, you can fight for the couch." Kuroo says.

You got up from the couch.

"Where are you sleeping Kuroo?" Akaashi asks.

"Oh with y/n.. And no don't make it weird, we've been doing it since we were kids. Our parents used to put us together when we couldn't sleep."

Your face started to become red as he spoke.

"I'll go get the blankets.." you sighed.

"Want help?" Akaashi asks.

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