Chapter Thirty.

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"... D-dad?"

"Hi y/n.."

"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked as your hands started to shake.

"I told you I wanted to see you."

"So you just waltz onto school property? Wait are you drunk? "

He looked down at the ground sad.

"Dad you can't be here..I'm literally in the middle of practice!"

He stepped closer. "But I needed to see you y/n.. I have to apologize."

"I don't want your half ass apology.." You stepped back. Hitting the fountain behind you.

"Please. If you let me just talk.."

"No.. You were.. scared me last time I s-saw you!"

"I know...and I came to apologize for that.."


"Y/n..." He stepped closer to you, reaching out for your arm.

"Hey y/n? Where are those.. Who's this?" Bokuto says, running out of gym.
His mood had went from 100 to 0.

"I'm her father..and you?"

"Her friend.." He says stepping toward you.

"Well If you excuse me, I'm trying to have a conversation with my daughter.."

I looked over to Bokuko worry in my eyes.

He nodded to me as if understanding.

"So you joined the boys volley ball huh!"

"I-I'm just the m-a ager.."

"I don't like you with all those boys

"D-dad.." you mumbled, watching the anger grow in his eyes.

"Hey can't you see she's scared?"

Your dad shot Bokuto an angry glare.
"If you don't mind..I want to speak with
Y/n on my own thank you."

"Doesn't look like she wants to talk.." Bokuto continued, walking closer to me in baby steps.

Your father's face grew red from anger.

"Leave now kid..."

"Or what? You punch me? Go ahead we have cameras all around here...someone will see and report you." He said with tension in his voice.

"Dad.. I think it's time for you to go..."

He shot you a look, then a look at Bokuto and back at you before taking off.
You collapsed to the ground as your legs couldn't stop shaking.

"Y/n are you okay?" The owl head asked you, while crouching down to your level.

"I-I'm fine.."


"Thank sorry.. I'll fill your water bottles up for you now.."


"I said I'm okay.." You snapped. Realizing what you did.
"I-I'm sorry Bo.. I just snapped.."

"Its okay Y/n.. I get it.."He pulled you into a tight hug.

Taking you by surprise.

You pulled away after a few seconds and turned to the water bottles and started filling them up.
Not saying another word.
Bokuto decided to help you out as well.
All there was, was silence between you two.

Falling For You (AkaashiXReader) Where stories live. Discover now