Chapter Twenty One.

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Warning: contains scene of depicting abusive behavior.

The bus arrived at the school and one by one everyone said their goodbyes and took their leave to their homes.

"Can I walk you home?" Akaashi whispered.

"Sure." You smiled.

He reached for your hand and lead the way to your house.

The walk there was nice. Although the sun was starting to set, the air was still a bit humid.

You both really didn't speak to one another, other than giving glances from time to time.

You stopped in front of your house.
Akaashi pulled you into a hug.
"I'm glad I finally confessed." He said.

You smiled in his shoulder.

He used two fingers to pull your chin up to meet his eyes. He smiled as he kissed you.

You pulled away with a smile, but you also had a feeling of being watched.

You looked over to your open door to see someone standing inside.

"Dad?" you say in shock.

Akaashi, looked over and met the piercing gaze of your father's.

"You should go now  Akaashi.." you said, not breaking eye contact with your dad.

"I'll text you later.." He mumbled, walking away, giving you a weird look.

You took a deep breath and walked through your door, walking right past your father.

He grabbed your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.

"Who was that? Your boyfriend?" He asked sharply.

"Why do you care? What are you doing here anyways? Where's aunt--"

"I found a spare key..i wanted to see you."

You ripped your hand away.
"So yo-you just let yourself in?"

He looked at her with angry eyes.
"Who was that boy? And why was his hands and stuff all over you?"

"No-No.. You can't just waltz in here and demand answers... I haven't seen you since mom don't have the right"

"I'm your father and I care for you."

"Then where were you when she died? Oh right..running away."

"You shouldn't speak to me that way."

You clicked your tongue. "Whatever.. What do you want?"

"I came to see you."


"Nothings else.. You haven't been answering my calls.."

"That's because I want nothing to do with you.. You left mom to die and you left me.. You ran away! Why would I want anything to do with you?" Tears started to swell in your eyes.

"What happened to your glasses?" He asked, changing the subject.

You rolled your eyes. "Volleyball accident.."

"You play voll--"

You put your hand up in the air. "No..I manage the boys team."

"Is that boy on the team?" He said with a hint of anger.

"That boy has a name.. And yes he is."

"And what's his name then?"

"Does Auntie know you're here?"

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