follow the poignant path.

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poignant (adj.) - keenly affecting the senses.

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a message to all my fellow students,


to all the students who stress over the big essay or quiz at 12:27 am on a wednesday night, quickly shuffling through each page as they try to keep their mind aligned with whatever subject they are taking.

to all the students who sit in class and don't seem to understand what's going on, yet refuse to say anything.

as a student, i put myself into the list of these things as i know a lot of us to do these similar things.

what's stopping you from letting yourself improve as a human being? we're not much different.

don't let that girl or guy in the back of the class laugh at you for asking a question because you didn't understand, because guess what? there's a chance they didn't understand it either.

to all the students who woke up and had to put it all the strength they could to get out of bed, i feel you.

listen to your surroundings and take a deep breath. take in your surroundings and absorb any information you can get because you're going to need it in the future.

to all the students who let tears past their eyes from built-up frustration when they can't seem to figure something out, i feel you.

or the students who get so nervous when they have to speak and present, they have a panic attack? we feel your pain.

only let yourself learn and adapt from the mistakes you make as a kid and grow and improve yourself as a person as we move on and release the negative energy.

don't ever let yourself say you are alone, because you are not.

open your ears and your heart, and follow the path you need to succeed in life, don't just do it because somebody else is. this is your life, don't let somebody else choose it for you. take the path that speaks to you.

take the pathway you find the prettiest and let it guide you to all your success and wealth. find the most appealing path for your wants and needs and let it help you achieve your goals and dreams.

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follow the poignant path.

choose the path that makes your heart jump like the way your crush does in your favourite class.

so tell me, what's really stopping you?

exactly, nothing.

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